Barnaby Jonesin

Kit Harrington, seen here wearing the Dowager Countess's dinner tuxedo



Oh, sweet summer child, how quickly we forget The Future Embrace

A Rick Rueben substitutes the corned beef for scraggly matted hair that smells like weed

Agreed. Also, you're named after my absolute favorite bit from Hard Target

Man…remember when this guy used to dress like Goth-feratu? Those were good times.

Oh, William Patrick Corgan, how teen me flushes with embarrassment at thinking you a genius.

I've been saying this for years. I think he would have been better off if he had written in the time jump he was originally planning to use after A Storm of Swords. He could have hit on the same The Cost of War points A Feast for Crows made, but the time jump would have prevented him from getting too bogged down in

Hey, man. When it comes to this kind of bone-deep endgame analysis, who are you gonna trust? Some goddamn SEO robot, or the redoubtable @burgermike?

For Our Consideration: Is Waking Up The Key to Stop Sleeping?

I mean, fair enough, but they're also using ravens like passenger pigeons…which ravens don't really do. So "realism," for whatever it's worth in a world where a six times dead cyclops can make his sword burst into flames by waving at it, is already out the window.

I have not seen that much boom mike in a shot since I last watched Dolomite.

Hey, remember when Daenerys walked through a wall of fucking fire and came out only looking a little charred, like Daffy Duck got caught in an explosion? Forget that. I want to know why ravens can fly so fast.

I think I worked this one out: There's an inverse tits-to-dragons ratio. Back when the dragons were worthless? Tits aplenty. Dragons grow up, start doing actual dragon stuff? Tits recede.

Oh, wow, right: I forgot how shitty Kinja makes these sites look. I kept dismissing the Kinja thing as much ado about nothing, but ugh. That design blows goats

Which raises a valid point: Why shorten these fucking seasons? Dexter went on for years past its sell-by date. It's not budgetary concerns: This show is a cash cow for HBO (yes, even including pirating.) So why give the short shrift right when, from a storytelling stand point, it would need space to breathe?

Ah ah, not just Brienne riding endlessly, it was Brienne riding endlessly IN THE WRONG DIRECTION trying to find someone while the reader knew exactly where they were. I get his larger point about The Cost of War, but goddamn dude.

"Just how fast are these ravens anyway, huuuuuuh?" Look, I get it: It's fun wade hip-deep into all this Genius At Work bullshit about timelines and whathaveyou, but we're also watching — and theoretically loving — a show where one of the early main characters was killed by a smoke monster that flew out of a fire
