RIP Decider
RIP Decider
RIP Decider
Remember when everyone freaked out about Disqus when they switched over?
The *one* time in my semi-illustrious posting career in this 'burg I try for a first, and I'm felled by a goddamn refresh rate. Que lastima
WOOO! FIRST! Do you hear a dial tone, AV CLUB? Because BARANABY JONESIN IS OFF THE HOOK.
Yes. Make him younger. Basically, I want him to look like Pubert Addams in "Addams Family Values." I am so sick of seeing old, decrepit people like Heath Ledger and Jared Leto playing the Joker.
Maggie Gyllenhaal IS Vicky Lawrence AS Thelma "Mama" Harper IN HBO's "The Deuce"
Partially blinding a man in a hate crime really worked out for ol' Marky Mark
Don't get me wrong, I admire the fact that he tried. But Evel Knievel didn't land every jump, you know?
At the very least, it would have spared us Kate Hudson, which in turn might have prevented Katy Perry. What a world that would have been.
Knit ties? All about 'em, love 'em. Knit tie with a three-piece? Depends on the suit, but you're still cooking with gas.
Sweet Jesus…that accent is somewhere between Scotland, Canada, Finland and where ever pure, unadulterated irritation keeps its summer home
I remember loving her in Go (I had more of a thing for her than Katie Holmes) and wondering what the hell ever happened to her. I'm delighted she kept going and thrived.
Ooof, Michael K. Williams. That tie…
I am all about the goggle idea. I also really, really wanted Tyrion to fashion her a saddle, like he did for Bran…
I actually like ZWAN too, but I seem to recall him trying to croon on that one a few times. His voice is the least compelling thing about him, musically
Oh dear.