Just a whole pane of well wishes.
Just a whole pane of well wishes.
If you're going to do a story like this, why not make him an android rather than a hologram, if you're not going do anything with him visually? You know, since Jon Hamm is corporeal and made of meat and all.
I may have spoken too soon. I was basing it on "Bridget Jones's Diary"
Dr. Alan Grant? For.
Grant Hill? For. (Until he left the Pistons)
Grant Morrison? Against.
U.S. Grant? For.
Hugh Grant? Against.
Richard E. Grant? For.
What a brave fucking hero.
Miss Sloane? I think she played a walking, chattering Ambien
Just repeatedly, assholishly, run through a short list of what you think your strengths are (they don't have to be impressive; Sorkin's rarely are) then shout, "…AND I'M NEVER EVER SICK AT SEA." Then rock back on your heels a little and look proud of your reference.
No, just winsome and irrepressibly free
What a whimsical pixie
Who's Wilcox? Beyond, of course, Dalton Wilcox, poet laureate of the West
…He gave him a fucking knife?
Hahaha, my pleasure. I didn't realize until a recent rewatch myself, then promptly freaked out to my entirely uninterested girlfriend.
You're not the hero we deserve, Niles the Butler from "The Nanny," but you're the one we need right now.
Wow, this synergy thing is really working out for you guys, huh?
When I first moved into Chicago, I was sad that I left behind my beloved Trader Joe's. Then, I very quickly discovered that Aldi down the street was just a Trader Joe's with lower prices and more overt contempt for the people shopping there. I was delighted.
Mother…fucker. Those sonsabitches done did it again.
But it's not just one brand. That's what fun about reading the article.
I miss Maximum Bob something fierce. It was weird, it was brilliant, and it deserves all the love it can get.
Ballers, mostly