
According to Sepinwall, actors often do this as a back up plan so it does not mean the show is done.

Historically Taunton is a part of Minehead already!

Well I gave him my baby to kiss and he bit it on the head.

I am retired vindow cleaner and pacifist, without doing war crimes.

I read Schoolboy in high school; made it to the end but was pretty baffled by it. Based on what you said I think I should try rereading, since TTSS is one of my favorite books.

I read North's Touch around Thanksgiving and expect to finish The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August tonight. Touch was very good but Lives is amazing! I found the first Matthew Swift book used a few weeks ago and bought it, so I have that to move on to. Glad to hear I'll probably enjoy it, even if I don't love it

Good morning, how are you?
My name is Tina.
The dog is large.
Where is the bathroom?

Not many people know this, but the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer.

It doesn't matter how evil he was; he got hit by a car and ground up into hamburger: he's still a victim.

They showed it in an earlier episode - Hanzee holding a white rabbit, gently stroking its ears, before snapping its neck.

I decided that I had picked up on a Doctor Who reference when Kilgrave told his servants they weren't allowed to blink.

Exactly, and I just can't figure out who thinks calling someone an idiot or evil is going to make them respond positively to your arguments. I see both sides of the spectrum do it at the same time as they moan about how unproductive our political discourse is, and it makes me never want to talk to another human again.

Chris Geere needs to be getting way more applause for how freaking amazing he was in this episode.

Oh, yes, agreed - it was really more his "fooled ya!" that caused the problem. I'd be annoyed by that just on principle.

I definitely understand the desire to help in some way, as well as your feelings when your mom told you about her experiences. I've been in similar situations and it's really hard to deal with that ground-shifting-beneath-you feeling.

Speaking (only for myself) as a person with depression, I wouldn't have minded the "doing something nice" but I would have minded the implication that one day of pleasant things would somehow cure an illness I've struggled with my whole life. I also wouldn't be thrilled at being tricked.

I read The Haunting of Hill House for the first time this summer when I was traveling for work, and it freaked me the fuck out. Not sure if it was better to read it in a hotel I'll never have to go back to rather than having it creepify my home, or if the unfamiliar surroundings made it worse (good worse).

If you are going to deflect the supervillain question, I feel he found the only acceptable way to do it.

Last night the lead story on my NY-metro area local news was that two basketball players (or something) are mad at each other because one is dating the ex-wife of the other, and I think my blood pressure shot up 30% before I managed to change the channel.

Slow cookers are magic. Everything I've ever made in one looks disgusting going in, and I am convinced will be a horrible failure that I will have to toss, and then hours later the off-putting pile of squelchy-looking things is replaced with delicious food.