
Based solely on this newswire, I think Fox News looks like the more rational party, which is a sentence that contains words I didn't know were even acquainted without the prefix "ir-" being involved somewhere.

I saw Psycho in the theater last night and even convinced some friends (who typically don't watch movies from earlier than about the '80s) who had never seen it to go with me. It was fantastic of course; it really struck me this time just how great the cinematography is. My friends said they enjoyed it, and one of

It has to be a direct relationship. If you murder someone, you can't inherit anything from them, but it doesn't mean you can't inherit from anyone else.

I think the debate though is, are they intrinsically interconnected? If we take the premise that an artist's personality and experience inform his or her work, and that that personality and experience include the desire for and execution of the rape of a child, can that be cleanly excised from the comprehension of

Well, I can't really understand your response, but my point was that assumptions are no replacement for facts, and therefore just because a place is in Virginia doesn't mean it's populated by dadgum hillbilly rednecks, not that I would want to malign rednecks by presuming to know their opinions on this matter.

Oh okay, good; then you're aware that it usually runs 60-65% Democrat in election returns, and therefore isn't really the sort of place to consider this "lefty-liberal-Hollywood baloney."

Do you know anything about Fairfax County other than which state it's in?

I know you were kidding but I always feel compelled to stand up for Zeppo; there's a really good case to be made for his stiffness being deliberate:

I'll take two beers too.

I saw it with my dad! A successful bonding period in a rough patch. High five!


Nate the Great was fucking awesome, to first grade me. I think my mom liked him too, so I hope he would hold up.

The phrase "shoehorning myself into that rubber lady" comes up a surprising amount in my household.

Pete's rifle is in no way a red herring. He wasn't feeling manly or in control (he told Trudy he was "giving up [his] life to be with [her]," the department store rep didn't take him seriously but did respond to his taller, better looking school friend) so he bought a gun. That's it.

I can only see the thread about Marie's accent. Everything I post disappears into some unseeable void.

I agree with you except I thought Richard was fine - they wanted different things, neither of which was unreasonable, so they broke up. It's a really good reason to break up.

No one is ever going to see this comment and it might well be total nonsense but I just had a moment and need to express it. I was reading an article over at Time (http://time.com/mad-men-his… ) and got to this comment about season 5:

Plus the opening credits: a man falls out of his world and then ends up right back where he started. They've been telling us how this was going to end the whole time.

I'm legitimately interested in that one (I don't have an AARP card but I have been middle-aged since birth so I feel like that might an acceptable substitute; I do enjoy accents and costumes).

The commercials during Orphan Black say "this summer."