
Ah, yes! I was trying to remember the title of this movie up the thread. Thank you!

Leslie Howard was horribly miscast is this. I saw him in a romantic comedy on TCM, with Bette Davis and (I think) Olivia de Haviland, and he was much more effective.

I didn't realize skill at waiting tables was determined by one's looks.

"Looks above her pay grade" - what the fuck does that mean?

1. Saying Don is exclusively responsible for Lane's suicide is neither fair not accurate either.
2. No one was "blaming" Lane for commiting suicide; Lane was fired for embezzlement, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to be fired for.

Well, that's completely fair.

Man, for a minute there at the end I thought they were going to let us keep Parker Young, and then they dashed my hopes.

Ugh. I know Miyazaki is virtually untouchable, but I hate what the movie did to the book. Howl is whiny and childish, and spends most of the book trying to avoid rather than deal with the messes he's created. Sophie is the one with the real strength of character, who gets shit done while being afraid and thinking…

That and

Push her in a lake!

And Pearl Witherington! Most grandmother-y name for a badass person ever: "She would ultimately preside over the surrender of 18,000 German troops."

There all is aching?

Ceiling or pedestal?

It is confusing that the analysis you offer is for deaths per appearance, but the graph is simply number of deaths.

This is my favorite newswire ever. Every sentence made me laugh.

I like this show and I wish it would be allowed to stick around for a while.

Ever heard the saying "the poison is in the dose"? I am only going to address one of the things you mentioned but cursory googling will find you dozens or reliable sources addressing the rest of them.

Those motherfucking hamsters…

How on earth can the romantic shit be blamed on Moffat? That template was started with Rose.

Yeah, I would love for this to happen, and am working off the hypothesis that I will be able to figure out how this service works once there is something to see.