
Almost certainly.

I was crying pretty hard before the tackle, when Pete was crying, and then I was laughing really hard after the tackle, while still crying, and then my boyfriend asked me if I was okay and I made some kind of unattractive noise in response, which is all to say: I really want this show to be saved.

He wasn't saying it wasn't a problem; he was saying suicide is not relevant to the discussion of defending yourself against a rapist.

Editing this to reflect my annoyance at disqus.

Really good review, Genevieve. I thought the pilot was ok, and this episode was a bit better, but it's still kind of frustrating to watch because you can see where a good show could be with this premise and cast, and then you see the show we've actually gotten. Hopefully they'll figure it out; I'm not ready to give

And at the end when Morty has it in the baggie to take in as his project and it just goes "BUTTER." I love that little robot.

Where did you read that she is Christian?

Permission for lip to wobble, sir?


Does she have anything that used to belong to Viggo Mortensen? Because that will change my feelings about this.

I personally have found the Leslie-as-city-councilwoman storylines extremely grating and unsubtle, and it's made the show a chore for me to watch, which I have continued to do because I loved it so much in seasons 2-4.

And he's okay.

I have not been able to stop laughing at "Get Excited! Sit Down."

I think the reason they couldn't go after the baby is that they've already met River and heard enough of her story that if they found her it would create a paradox, but regardless I do agree that the tragedy of this for Amy, Rory, and River herself is not sufficiently acknowledged, to say the least.

"The plot really has to deliver if you can't write the emotional aspects of a storyline."

I love Tinker Tailor so much. As Lurky says Le Carre's prose is wonderful, very deliberate and elegant. I'm a fan of the mini-series but emphatically did not care for the 2011 movie. I thought it destroyed a lot of what I loved about the characters and the subtle way they were presented; Jim Prideaux bashing the

I've read that the creators had an arc mapped out for the season from the get-go, so it could be that a back 9 order wouldn't have made sense in the scheme of the show.

I assumed it was a real horse and that its name was Binky.

I would think it would genuinely be Oscar's job (or at least, the job of the accounting department) to write these reports.  Michael's not an accountant, and in every company I've worked for, accountants (or some function of finance) are in charge of all numerical reporting, volumes as well as dollars.  And as an