
Ayn Rand aside, the definition of altruism literally excludes a motive other than goodwill:

I don't necessarily agree with your point here, but I do agree that there is likely a choice that must be made between expressing legitimate anger and actually effecting change.

I guess I don't see how saying "someone's reasoning is idiotic" is less aggressive than saying "someone is an idiot."

I'm not saying their arguments deserve equal respect and consideration; I'm saying their problems do, and that regardless, calling anyone an asshole will not be productive.

I'm saying it's arrogant to assume that everyone who disagrees with you is an asshole or an idiot, and that even if they are, it doesn't help you to "win" by calling them that, and that it might in fact even make you an asshole as I am not sure what your definition of "asshole" encompasses, but it generally includes

I assume most people think that their own opinions and ideas are "correct" and "best;" otherwise they wouldn't have them. The issue here seems to be dismissing actual problems people are experiencing by saying that these problems in fact don't exist; that those people are only complaining because they are racists or

That article is really great. I see that attitude all the time amongst my friends and the (usually excellent) posters here - outright distain for the people who disagree with them, and a complete belief that we know better than the people who disagree with us about what will fix those people's legitimate problems.

Well, Finch seems more like God, while the Machine is Jesus - being sacrificed by its father for the salvation of humanity.

That's fair. Really I'm just looking for some loophole that will change my mind so I can enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to.

Everyone says this, but I liked the first season and didn't give up until a few episodes into season 4 when it finally made me too annoyed to go back, so…

I'm concerned about upvoting this for fear people will think we are the same person. With great personal daring, I am doing it anyway.


Yep, "Mid-day Run":

Well he didn't do so intelligently. The "Large" in front of "Hadron Collider" isn't optional.

Apparently my car was manufactured in a particular spot of technological dead air; it had a CD player, and the outline of a cassette slot molded into the plastic without any cassette player. And a radio, but… pft.

Seriously, am I the only person with a car too old to have a jack for a phone or ipod? CDs are still the only way for me to actually listen to my music in the car.

I read the headline as Dirty Dozen, and was intrigued. Ah well.

I wondered the same but Michele Fazekas said on twitter that both Atwell and Gjokaj did their own singing.

I feel like Sava forgets that both Agent Carter showrunners are women, which is not to say that they can't do anything misogynistic ever, but that they probably have a better idea than Sava does about what a woman would find objectionable.

Wait, so it's not blood-letting anymore?