
I think the "Friggin Mike" thing was them addressing that.

It felt like Second half of Season 1 LMoE, which is the show at it's weakest.

I'm so glad I wasnt spoiled, because that was fantastic.

As far as "celebrities playing themselves" goes, this was a pretty good one.

I like how Homer is bonding with and being a parent to both Bart and Lisa like, a LOT this season.

It's fascinating to think main character status got shifted from Bart to Homer to Lisa.

At least Lisa the Veternarian was sort of self aware of that.

Everyone is really overreacting about that joke imo

You;re not even trying

Was it during the space training?

To be fair, they later made all the men suck at being suitable for Mars because "bumbling men!" which I didnt even remember because nobody brought it up here

Also, I loved it. The jump from eggs to Mars was a little big, and I'd have rathered a better reason they couldnt go to space, but besides that, great stuff.

I think we were supposed to. Kind of like Lisa the Vegetarian.

I never saw any of Homer's comments as trying to comment on the real world or anything, just as things Homer would say.

I mean, last week was simply about Lisa being a volunteer vet. It's not really fair to compare both of these episodes as the standard, plot wise.

I noticed him, and loved how absolutely nothing was done to point it out. Thanks, Matt Selman.

This is the first time Ive seen an actual reply to the weekly B+ grade he strongly feels

This was an episode that felt like it had two A plots that were forced
to get cut down. The waterpark scene felt the most complete. And was the
best part because of it.

Is Caroline Omine gonna be the new Rob Oliver and Matt Selman when it comes to me being confident the episode is gonna be good? I'd like that, because that's a big chunk of above average episodes a season that way.