
Like Gorgeous Grandpa. Though I dont remember if that episode was well liked

That was my only (incredibly small) issue. If they went with the extreme sports talent rather than the art talent I would have liked that. Still, linking them both at the end was good.

The review quote reminded me of the reference to The Lego Movie during Brick Like Me, which people were more positive about

That part was hilarious because it was creepy. I think it was the point

WAAAAY off man. A+ All around.

I'm so glad it happened. The writers know what we want.

I really like that. DIslike when shows have bumbling idiots who cant do anything right in jobs. Though that usually happens in comedies about either schools or hospitals.

More than one thing can be a problem you know.

I thought the point was that ads were using the debate of PC vs non PC extremists as sources of clickbait to get more advertising dollars out of both sides.

Maybe any of the jokes listed in the comments?


He clearly loves the character way too much. It's almost destroying the show so im super glad she's gone. Sadly she's gone in a way that can make her come back indefinitely.

I agree with the singular grades completely.

I wonder if Ive lost my head but Ive LOVED probably 1 episode this season, and liked about 4 others. The rest get shrugs from me, yet everyone else is in love with it

Yep. Disappointed that all this buildup ends up being glossed over

Disappointing that all the buildup of the return gets glossed over.

I hate Clara, so the episode was simultaneously amazing and infuriating at the same time. For the second time this season, what looked like a larger plot about saving something ends up becoming an episode about saving clara.

I wish I didnt see this because I beleive it's gonna happen now and would have liked to be surprised

Strange omission of Impossible Planet/Satan Pit

Also, I feel that any long running show becomes polarising, so this isnt a surprise to me, though it is interesting