
My good episodes are Under the Lake, Girl Who Died, and The Zygon episodes (if I ignore all that annoyed me in them). And this one. Sleep No More was….something. Didnt hate it but I dont even know.

Missed that, thankfully

Yet stopped Bonnie from killing the doctor, had the power to deny her the right to view her thoughts, and had the plot centre around saving her rather than STOPPING THE WAR, and then when the doctor speeches the hell out of the place, he gives the credit for Bonnie changing her mind to Clara anyways

Oh right. I mean, any given episode is bound to be amazing to some and awful to others, probably for the same reasons

I thought Cue Detective was the other "great" episode of the season.

Both for me, now

It's the Elaine Stritch tribute character from before they brought back

Watching the episode now but seeing the Community Grade have 7 people and all 7 people chose different grades along the spectrum is interesting. Ive probably said it already but the show seems to have gotten more polarising than bad.

The Day the Earth Stood Clara

The worst part is now I'm curious and want to read the bigger spoiler. BE STRONG, ME

*anger farts becomes the next Doctor Who monster*

I hate Clara so much that I'm sure it's gonna happen, just as a big
FU to Clara haters

I knew from the season started. I wish we didnt know behind the scenes stuff as much as we do now

Twilight hid the spoiler well and then you had to go and give hints as to what it was anyways. Nice

I liked Forest until I realised that if everyone stayed home and slept all day, things would have ended exactly the same

I knew from the beginning it was gonna end tonight and was just waiting for it, myself. SInce I knew, the death transfer thing felt WAY too obvious

She only left because Jenna left, but yeah. The last episode will always be super odd until the sequel clears things up

Yeah. Ive often felt bored or angry during this season, just to perk up when something awesome happens in the last few minutes of the episode (Like Sleep no More and Zygon Inversion)

…Does she know she's an ad?

That has been my thoughts on the whole season. It's a bit odd to me people find this to be the best post classic season.