
They did have it for ages, though by the current year, they'd have lost it when the kids were 2 and 3 I think?

I don't hate Jean, but I think the show would likely grow by Selman taking over.

Also, the show's unpredictability sets in again. Will they leave by the end if next week? Stay for a couple episodes? Would they ever return? We have no idea.

This was great.

Which ones didn't? I want it to be Family Guy just so it can be the one left out

Last week's would have been really good if they just made it real and not a dream. I despise "it was all a dream" plots.

I'm so glad Bender appeared again. I was hoping he would. Didn't expect it so soon though.

Of course Soylent Green would ask for a bad ending to the world

I remember the Man Seeking Woman reviews and comments talking about how unfortunatly male focused it was.

This season is really not spreading out similar plots. Felt the same with Morty's feelings to rick in the first half of the season. and ESPECIALLY in Get Schwifty.


Tiny Rick's Beth and Jerry plot was great, I think. But the pinnacle of marriage plots was Rixty Minutes so you cant get better from there.

I hope it does, because then it can get better. I dont instantly hate this because no #DEEPEST LORE like everyone else.

I'm glad someone agrees, man this is just Uncle Grandpa/Breadwinners absolutely nailing what they are trying to do instead of faltering.

True. Though it did have a couple unmemorable ones, and shcwifty and tiny rick are more unmemorable than bad too. The only real difference for me then is this one, which was straight up bad.

Yeah, the season's perceived badness is slightly overblown

Ok, that explanation makes sense. The fact that there was no reason to kill the clones in my opinion was a huge problem for me, but that makes sense.

Of course they got doxxed. And harassed. People got mailed mysterious items maliciously pretty often. Heck, good luck being a female and agreeing with any of GG. You're gonna get called an idiot who cant think for yourself and told to kill yourself, etc. And some anti GG people tried to harass themselves while

I realise what you say as true. I mainly never noticed because I always liked Rick and Summer better than Rick of Morty due to less screaming and more scheming

Not really, a lot of people simply dont care about the debate, while "anti-GG" are actively against them. I'm not gonna consider myself anti-GG because I dont like GG, because the other side is just as stupid. The entire drama is just people saying thier side is good outside the vocal minority then calling the other