
Not even Ricks Must be Crazy?

His problem was he was dying in the garage while in tiny Rick, and he didnt like it because once in his new body, he didnt want to go back to the old one. But the implication was that the clones in the garage were for when he was about to die, in which case killing them made no sense because the old one would be dying

They stated it's gonna happen every season like Treehouse of Horror

The first half of the season is pretty classic RandM

A lot of people love the shock, so what do we know. Rick killing himself and killing his clones were both DUMB and made no sense and fell flat to me and everyone loved it.

I think Zoe Quinn and Anita Sharknado are pretty terrible, but yeah the hate is overblown.

I think putting this near Rixty Minutes in grade is crazy.

Plus most of the shows devolved into

Are they gonna review episodes from the "non golden era" at all? Because I personally dont hate any episode so I'll be down for those reviews, even if I have to endure whining from overly negative past fans.

Ok everyone can have different opinions but…come on. The Late Phillip J Fry.

To be fair, I do think this was the worst episode. I didnt hate it, but definitely the least amusing.

It's late, but they likely prevented Floyd from going to MIT because of Farnsworth.

It's late, but they likely prevented Floyd from going to MIT because of Farnsworth.

Actually kind of surprised This got a C+. I always thought this was considered the best.

That was amazing. I think they are aware that a few people think they end episodes in chase scenes too much so are spicing it up. Not that I mind, since this show probably has better action scenes than everything else on CN now.

IGN's comments have been absolutely destroyed by the ability to post memes

This place was better before the /co/ board on 4chan found out about it

Bear in mind this is making fun of people who actually feel intelligent for not watching a tv show they dont like.

Loudly proclaims that I dont watch The Big Bang Theory, because how will I feel smart for not watching it if I dont tell other people?

I really like the expanding lore here, while still being a straightforward comedy. Gumball is sort of doing that as well.