
If I was making so much money so easily I'd keep that magical information to myself.

It seems like just a gender-swapped Get Smart.

Brain rotting mess? hardly


Alien Force was like, awful. Ultimate Alien was great though.

The last one was my favourite, honestly

Kinda hope so. Gratuitous violence to innocents is the one thing that doesnt sit right with me in a show so I really hope it's at a minimum.

I was gonna like for "better than family guy" but had to stop for "better than current simpsons"

I supposed I'm not well versed enough in american politics.

Why is skewing from from conservative to liberal an inherently good thing on this site?

I came up with a similar Splatoon theory, but left out anything that wasnt a direct reference. Mine:


It's those damn fractions. Always ruining everything.

My thought process was

It's funny because I live in Jamaica which is sort of half way between first and third world

This seems like a show dumb people would avoid to seem smart.

I thought it looked dumb, but the more I watched the trailer the more I'm hyped for this.

It stopped being about animals that can kill you or really wierd scenes from comic books, and became about 20 something college liberals posting thier political opinions in list form.

Nostalgia Critic

I read that Dark Materials was written to counter Narnia, and using that as a starting point seems like a no no