
Die Hard 1 to 4 are varying levels of good due to not being Die Hard originally.

Cougar Town seemed to have survived that future the best

Everyone loves him because he messes around and asks people to dance and do jokes and just makes the show funny.

Oh, man, the KLK "ITS SATIRE" guys are the worst

Fair point, but I dont think he's /that/ bad

Read your later comments

The glitch one is like my third favor episode of the show

Not a Jeff fan?

He knows how to make boring people have good interviews

I dont usually reply on old stuff but I just have to tell you just how incredible this comment was.

I honestly dont get the hate for Fear Her so could you explain?

Didnt a planet do that in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Either Magrathea or Kricket.

…how the heck did I type that

It was written as a series finale

*sweats nervously*

Holidays of Future Passed would have been a finale.

I actually liked it. You can never judge if you'll like a modern so.pains episode by seeing a different opinion because of how polarizing the show is now

That's just ridiculous. I'm probably the minority in thinking he really sounds like a grumpy lumpy

I actually find the cold opens to be mostly hilarious

Eh, the recent Cosby fracas hasnt changed what I thought about the show, just him.