
Homer goes to space in The Man Who Came to be Dinner. Does the obvious Deep Space Homer callback: This is why simpsons is bad

Stewie misses Brian talking to him all the time so uses a machine to become pregnant with his baby.

Well, I did like this just fine myself. Objectively awful is something I'd expect to see people on IGN say when talking about a console they don't like

I don't care about them ignoring the gambling problem because I've long accepted that they mainly do callbacks in the form of one off jokes rather than directly. If that hasn't always been the case, then maybe it'd be a bigger problem. But I'm sure everyone is gonna explode about it anyways.

I couldn't help but wonder what McFarlane was thinking while voicing Stewie, Brian and Peter and actually reading those lines, and saying them out loud.

I knew the puree scene would have affected people's view on this.

His sister is pretty good.

Well the show creator says everything is real so

I just enjoyed the stories in Frond Files more too.

I really miss my Simpsons BB combo.

I figured acquired shows would count. They probably want it to count since they beat out BBC America to getting it.

I was more talking about the feel of the show rather than thier approach to sci fi, though that was some interesting information.

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I eventually did. I gotta say I liked Frond Files more but this episode was pretty good too. I wonder if it will be a once a season thing now.

The 90's literally never remembers anything correctly.

I like that there was no joke about how it failed to work or that he ended up getting her something she'd hate


I realise, all the negative reactions to Elon Musk from the characters means that the episode about him probably WAS meant as mocking rather than celeb worship.

When I saw the synopsis, I felt this was gonna be the wackiest non alien non future episode of the season.

Didnt everyone say Defiance feels like Sci Fi of old similar to Stargate SG1 and stuff? Plus they have Continuum.