
@Don Staples - Did he smoke meth? I don't remember seeing Jessie get high in this episode.

Before. The tables are clean. The aprons are neatly stacked. Gordon is smiling, and Graham isn't sweating. Much.

Masterchef US is like Masterchef UK or Masterchef Oz in name only. They took the same basic concept and edited out anything redeeming.

Were they showing it for the kids? If I recall correctly, I had to stay up way past my bedtime to watch Doctor Who.

The worst theme song I've ever heard is Kitchen Confidential. That show deserved to get canceled for that terrible song alone.

How is it not fair that he eats good food? I eat good, sometimes even healthy, food. Anyone can eat good food. You don't have to be rich or a snob to eat well. My problem with Insufferable Twat has nothing to do with what he eats.

Your ravioli was disgusting and not up to Masterchef standards, because of that…
You're going to STAY in the competition!

Masterchef Australia
Kate got screwed on the immunity challenge. He banana didn't look as good, and her base was a little too thick, but everything else about her desert was better. The pro just put little blobs of that coconut jelly on the plate. Her cubes were perfect, and the judges loved her mousse. Anyway…

I think (but I'm not sure) Abed's shirt in the clip show might have been a Vashtu Narada reference.

Masterchef Australia is the best Masterchef. You watch these home cooks go through a master class, and you really get a sense of who they are and what motivates them. Having them on every day makes it difficult for the producers to turn them into reality TV tropes, and the attitudes of the judges and contestants

I prefer http://www.betterwhoresailor.cum

I saw the episode. I just forgot I saw the episode. The only thing I actually remember about this episode is the moment Padma walked into the room.

No, it isn't. That would be room 412. You can't miss it. 4th floor, right next to the confiscated knives room.


There IS a spoon!

India is a dreadful, dreadful place. If I had to go there, I wouldn't go to the bathroom the entire time, and I'm not so crazy about Manhattan either.


They had to keep Busey because of his 'standing atop a rainbow with no fear' line.

Waffle House has been making the Fatterson for decades. They call it a bacon, egg, and cheese on Texas Toast.