Finally someone who knows all sorts of stuff about evolution! Maybe you can help me out with some questions:
Finally someone who knows all sorts of stuff about evolution! Maybe you can help me out with some questions:
I think this is all the result of a tremendous semantic misunderstanding.
Don't smoke.
Too French.
Well parried! Anyway though, neither Bernal nor most Iranians are particularly brown, just for future outrage purposes.
Are you implying that Africans are interchangeable?
Like when Don Cheadle played a Rwandan? That made me mad too.
Rosewater: My Summer of Getting Tortured By a Stinky Idiot
I don't think Mexican-washing is a thing yet. We can make it one though if you want. Let's write some outraged blog posts or something.
1. How does anyone know anything really?
Good question! No, I wouldn't. I'd have my opinion about how the food tasted and I might even articulate that opinion, but I would be very, very careful before I started calling the meal "poorly executed" and "sloppy."
So you know a lot of infants who test your opinions of a given craft based on the current understanding of what it means to be a master of said craft? I'm kidding of course, I know you're just trying to make me feel bad.
You're not going to win a word game here. The phrase "What if I told you that people who eg *eat pancakes have visited Disneyland*" does not imply all people who have ever eaten pancakes have gone to Disneyland. That's unambiguous to any native English speaker.
Of course you're not going to answer it. Because you wouldn't like the answer would you?
It's a question. Are you going to answer it?
Google says they're the exact same height and 30 lbs of weight different, all muscle of course. Jamie Foxx is already pretty ripped though. I'd say he puts on another 10-12 lbs and you probably couldn't tell.
What if I told you that people who have forgotten more about film making than you will ever learn respect Nolan as a master of his craft?
What if I told you that people who have forgotten more about film making than you will ever learn respect Nolan as a master of his craft?
Because it's clearly the either only line in a two-and-a-half hour movie or at least the defining one and Nolan has a history of poorly executed projects amirite?
You don't find Tyson pooping on sci-fi very often for not being realistic enough. In fact in his version of Cosmos I think he was flying about in an updated version of Sagan's disco ship.