Steve McRib

Entirely different genres, we're talking the Fallout series vs Wild Wild West.

Haha funny joke Avclub these aren't real people. I'm pretty sure if you cut them in half confetti would come out.

Don Putnam.

Wow that's dark! Using a south east asain Elvis impersonator as if that's a gag that's going to stand all by itself. That's some Lars von Trier shit right there,

Hardest working man in show business?

It's not even in urban dictionary. It's a handjob right?

Newsweek :-/

69% of French Muslims, for a total of 16% of the population, think ISIS is great. They more or less have a civil war on their hands.

I think making justice for pedophiles dependent on whether or not justice is done to totally unrelated plutocrats is a great idea for foreign policy. Alien Jesus for President of Interpol! Hip Hip Hooray!

I feel like I'm the one getting the real punishment here, because I don't want to hear about this dirty childfucker anymore, yet I constantly am.

He's got a good point. If it were my Avclub I'd turn the whole thing into a black-bag operation. You know, have O'Neal's team roar up in an unmarked van, stun gun the winner, and then deposit them in the theater so they wake up just as the opening titles are starting.

I emailed MCU to recut the trailer to make the humor more clear for you, but unfortunately their entire team had been trapped under another avalanche of cash, blow, and hookers.

So he rides a #gamergate into battle? Holy hell this thing is never going away.

A guidance counselor whose favorite movie is Good Will Hunting?

The important thing is how diverse they are as a group.

Given Mann's penchant for realism I wonder if the hacking scenes in this will be less about reversing the polarity of a computer's kilobytes and more about browbeating low level office workers for their passwords under color of authority.

It's cool, Idris Elba is playing the spider tank.

I'm coining a term right now.

Tough shit. Dantooine was too remote to make an effective demonstration.

These are not cookies, they are texts, and they cry out for deconstruction.