Steve McRib

Hey! Don't through Michael Nagle under the bus for no other reasoning than he thinks this film looks blase.

Finally someone is standing up for the car.

Keith Richards would like a word…

"it’s not at all clear which is more disturbing: the addiction or the cure."

And also he came right out and said it was about sex:

What I think folks are getting at is that he was probably talking about the sex position "69" rather than the year 1969, because during the year of 1969 he would've been too young to be doing all of the other things he was talking about in the song.

Not really! China and Argentina (both 13) have averages of 77 and 79 years female life expectancy to the US's 82.

I'm not seeing it. Wood has a masculine chin a, a squarish jaw, and a moderately protuberant supraorbital ridge.

Liked because John Voight would be perfect in a tragic mentor role for Will Ferrell.

"Well son, back in those days we didn't really know about cliches, so you'd see movies with Magical Negroes in them. That's just the way it was…"

Really? With shooting through the rope when Christian Slater is being hanged? You liked that?

Same reason people play U2's One. It's a beautiful song. The lyrics don't really matter. Though yeah, for me I'd either have instrumental versions or the vocals in Elvish.

According to wikipedia he would've been 10 in 1969. So I'm saying yes.

♫Mamas don't let your babies grow up to date drama nerds♫

With or without the rape scene played for laughs?

I don't see the problem. He's still less than half the age he'll be when he dies.

They gotta do age of consent in the next wikipedia hole article. Apparently damn near half the planet still has ages of consent between 13 and 14!

I think it's time to burn these ridiculous shitty books of lies and publish a People's Scrabble Dictionary. There will probably need to be some pogroms against Hasbro's corporate lawyers at first, but hell, I had a friend once who told me "After a certain amount, they stop being murders and start being statistics."

za, holy hell, people should be shot for *speaking* that word, much less playing it in scrabble.

This movie was made for Chuck Norris.