Steve McRib

There were plenty of boobs in that video alright, and some of them were ladies with their breasts out! HEEYOOOO

Was someone else making a cloaca joke earlier?

Patricia Hernandez… I'm assuming she was assigned the story because this achievement was accused of sexual assault somehow?

It's no big deal, you just put a couple of penguins ass to ass then rub their cloacae together. Boom, baby penguins. I used to do it all the time in the 90s.

The avclub turned into Jezebel so gradually I didn't even notice it.

No you can click on the picture and it gives you their comment history. Where, what, how many, etc…

Ok, this spammer has been active for a week across a dozen sites with over a thousand posts. How hard is it to ban these assholes?

No dude, wrong again.

Whatever, you're wrong about the stupid show and your opinion sucks. Who cares?

It's been a while since I saw it but I'm pretty sure the episode was about Al Gore speaking in an effeminate voice convincing people to be afraid of a mythical beast.

I know. Hard to believe what with their biting takedown of the fantasy that is anthropogenic global warming….

These aren't cool. They're boring and they suck.

It's kind of weak satire these days to imply that someone might be gay.

They say it's sourced from a place no one will go… they say it's sourced from… hell.

There had better be teabagging in this.

Arcangel is my fourth favorite hyper-structuralist multimedia artist who has done an installation featuring Nintendo cartridges.

"No cause of death was immediately available." It's a little frightening, that your body will sometimes just die like that.

I want to start a channel where the one program is me not knowing things.

Right, because otherwise you could just summon a horse into an ancient wyrm's brain and instakill it.

1:2000 would suck. Imagine if there was an average of one spellcaster per mid-size high school. They'd be insufferable.