Steve McRib


My point is it's a little early for a 3 kaiju event.

He gets one lousy movie under his belt and now he's going full on Destroy-All-Monsters. This guy needs to settle down a bit.

What's the AC on a getup like that?

All I'm saying is, if I ever get called into a jury trial because someone's dangerous sex game where they toy with the limits of consent became non-consensual due to poor safeword etiquette I'm going to be pissed.

It's ok! Black is acceptable nomenclature, and Hispanic people can be black too. Looks like you dodged the PC bullet this time, friend.

So… a genderqueer Skynet?

Hey I think I know that guy. Did he have a big old timey mustache?

Thanks for making me feel bad about not reading enough, ya jerks!

I don't know if this might help to ease your apprehension, but whether you play this video game or not is literally the least important thing on the planet. So at least the stakes are low!

The avclub turned into wookiepedia so gradually I didn't even notice.

I'm but a simple oddsmaker, sir. An oddsmaker mostly impartial to Angelina Jolie as well. I am however one who delights in ridiculing internet fatboys who loudly proclaim which attractive celebrities would be granted access to their stupid boners and which wouldn't.

0.07% of the world's population
owns 15% of the world's Teslas
produces 28% of the world's electro-disco.

Let's take it to the internet sports fans! Pre mastectomy Jolie was sporting measurements of 36-27-36 with C-cups.

Hey I'm taking odds on whether Gambling Man here would sleep with Angelina if in some sort of extremely unlikely occasion she was ever in the same place and showed the slightest interest, lets start at odds on 50 crapdillion to one.

Krishna Pandit Bhanji? Isn't he already a person of colour?

I'm predicting a large earthquake on the west coast of the United States, a huge war in the middle east, and a painful ingrown hair on the left side of Sam Barsanti's neck at the beardline.

Now THAT'S an oxford comma.

So you're saying feminism is advocating greater sympathy for men who get hit?