Steve McRib

*Neurodiverse Survivors

Don't try to tell me who I can and can't other! I'll other people all fucking day if it suits me!

They totally don't align. Feminism has a ton of definitions of course, but chief among them is a movement geared towards dismantling systemic discrimination against women, ie the patriarchy.

Which raises the question: What if you showed the video to like 500 million people. Is her ghost that badass that she'd be able to kill them all?

I'm convinced that each world star hip hip video takes at least a few minutes off your life.

Oh my god shut up with this whining.

I'm going to write shitty comics about every last public domain story that has ever been, that way when someone wants to make a movie, they have to pay ME!

What, they're Italians. They can't help but to be racist.

I think you mean "win."

IMDB says Ron Faber?

Hey let's give the original some credit. The masturbation w/crucifix was only the icing on the cake for that scene. It would have been 98% as creepy if she just spoke with the British guy's voice.

This is especially tickling to me.

If you were to cut Robert Forster, there would only be more skin.

Anything can happen, but they have different universes. I think both a kaiju in Pacific Rim and Godzilla wrecked the Golden Gate Bridge right? That would be a lot to retcon somehow.

You know what it IS bullshit, that show's basically softcore porn, and they bring in EASILY the most attractive woman who's ever been on that show, or maybe any other show, and they're like "nope, no nudity! fuck off!"

Guy created the cubic day. More than you ever did, buddy.

I love how you can practically see your thoughts clumping together. You might as well have a clear skull.

More insults! More of them! Insult the troll and make yourself feel powerful!

Say more mean things! Try harder! You'll get through!

"I bet you make all the pussies wet"