Steve McRib

"I am, because this whole time, I WAS TROLLING YOU!"

No no. Trolling's over. I'm just cleaning up now. Good night!

That I wasn't trolling at all and I actually called the Navy Seals to arrest you. These last few posts have just been to keep you in the same place while the helicopter arrives.

Yes I know. You're continuing to respond to me after I've admitted that I was engaged in long-form trolling for no other reason than to watch you curse and squeal!

Your opinion is really important to me!

Nah. I'm just trolling you. It's funny how you went from boob armor to full on pscho killer in 6 posts flat though! XD

It was the first google hit. I don't need help buddy. I'm not the one threatening a stranger on the internet. It won't be 911, it will be the local non-emergency number. For the last time.

No really. We're done talking. I consider this harassment.

So you're going to cyberstalk me now? Please, go be oddly aggressive to some other stranger, I'm not having it.

What? You're boring. Go away.


You seem to be bouncing off the same logical block that was there in the first place. Maybe one more rehash will help it sink in?

??? No I'm ok. It's a nice thing that you're concerned after this tense little volley though!

Again, I never said get laid. I said "to be a big hero without doing anything." And who? Someone who's tired of the boob armor argument, because it's ersatz feminism, and feminism is too important for that shit.

Your mean words aren't going to work. And if you want to talk about harangues, who has cursed more at whom?

You should read the last paragraph at least.

I could be stupid sure, so could anyone. I test well and I've achieved some small things professionally and personally that at least suggest that I'm not though. On the other hand given your constant insistence that I am and how bad that would be, may I recommend you interrogate your prejudices towards the disabled?

Gods don't need armor. Which would probably make armor fashion for them in which case it still wouldn't matter.

No. The boob armor debate is stupid.