
It's crazy! How can someone who has such a good understanding of structure and writing and characters not get the importance of that scene in changing Marge's perspective on Jerry!

I do like where the positioning between Jack and Locke as Man of Science, Man of Faith ends up with the Man of Faith being abused and taken advantage of, and the Man of Science learning that you kinda need a little bit of both to get by.

AKA "We received 2 tickets and nobody wants to go to THAT shitshow since Rabin left"

Gus knows better than anyone that you can't arrest Malvo.

He was basically Bob from Twin Peaks.

I am perpetually disappointed whenever I hear those opening strings and it's actually Gangsta's Paradise.

Does anyone hate Weird Al?

Boy, wait'll she hears about STAMPS.COM!

There's no way they don't renew this show indefinitely. This is a Curb Your Enthusiasm deal. Whenever he wants to come back, they'll make room for him.

That art gallery section was basically Louis CK taking a brisk walk through, and making fun of, an episode of Hannibal.

If he wasn't actually going to execute him, he probably would've mentioned it to Tyrion at some point BEFORE being held at crossbowpoint.

Well one guy had his head crushed, and the other guy was alive enough to do the head crushing. Pretty clear outcome to me.

Use blunt weapons for the damage bonus.

That's it! Back to Winnipeg!

Also beautiful games about the majesty of the infinite possibilities of space.

People love to say that stuff like video games desensitizes people to violence. I've been watching people play Grand Theft Auto and playing it myself for most of my life, as I assume most people have. You ever seen video of somebody ACTUALLY getting shot? Shit's horrifying! Very very few people are actually

Wait, the title of this show DIDN'T get cut off by the weird headline bug? There is really a TV show called BIG SMO?

They did. Notch apparently did not know how much it costs to make a game like Psychonauts, because his eyes bugged out of his head like a cartoon and he said "oh no no no i can't afford that at all"

What is it with people who wrote for The Sopranos being totally unable to make a good movie? David Chase's movie was terrible too.

You probably don't even hear a dragon when it happens, right?