
I disagree angrily!

Next he'll be going after Lake Bell, Delta Spirit, and Drowning Pool.

I believe it's said on the commentary that it was already written with that in there, and then when they realized Joss Whedon was signed on to direct that one they were terrified of giving him the script. It took Whedon a lot of sighing before he accepted it and got to work.

Now the big question: DID he intend that?

I don't think Netflix is capable of canceling shows yet. Hemlock Grove and whatever Steven Van Zandt's shitty show is are probably making their third seasons right now.

I think both Gervais and Merchant have fallen off, Merchant just took longer. Hello Ladies was awful.

Vince Gilligan is always like that. He directed the season 4 finale of Breaking Bad. There's the pivotal moment where a character emerges from a room, changed. You know the one.

They already pulled the trick of being scared she's dead. I don't think they can pull the trigger again "but oh this time for real." That sounds like bad writing to me.

The Saul storyline was the entire series, a cautionary tale of what happens when you don't listen to everything Saul tells you to do.

Nice try. Like I'm going to read the comments on a newspaper article.

How crazy is it that this show used to be entirely vignettes where even Louie's family history could be entirely different from episode to episode, and now it's heavily serialized?

I have definitely heard OF Robert Palmer since I've listened to it.

Somehow the fact that he can just barely spell properly in all his tweets and emails is MORE endearing, not less. He uses a Blackberry because he's one of those people who can't use a keyboard without actual buttons.

That was Lynch's "you've got the goods."

They've kinda fictionalized Barry's life for the show, though. He's had a girlfriend for a while now.

"That sounds like a great deal… FOR ME TO GROUPON." —Triumph the Cheap Dog

His whole routine would not have been nearly as funny if everyone was laughing. The audience fucking hated it, but everyone on the actual roast was dying. Bob Saget had tears in his eyes from laughter, and then was genuinely choked up when Norm turned it around at the end to talk about how much he meant to him.


I kinda like Watch Dogs! I mean, the story is complete garbage. But it's fun to play!

Salon once called him a racist for a dumb joke he made. He flipped out on them, so now Salon makes fun of him a lot. Salon's a shitty website, but still. Now, Patton Oswalt has taken up the crusade against anybody who finds racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic stuff offensive, because they're not comedians