
I think it lasted three episodes, period. Then Lovitz tried to weasel out of a bunch of deals he had made with Kevin Smith, and now Lovitz is a regular punchline on all of Smith's shows.

Everything good about Patton Oswalt's Twitter feed is balanced out by Patton Oswalt's Twitter feed from the last month and a half. Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh.

I'm not big on a lot of history, but Blackbeard is fascinating. The man was able to create his own legend in two years that has lasted for nearly 300.

Blackbeard was first and foremost a showman. He was essentially brilliant at marketing himself. He rarely actually killed people himself. His whole schtick was acting like he was a demon from hell, having ropes coming off of his hat that he would light on fire and such. His whole idea was to scare people into

I will be very happy, unless I'm not!

what is he going to do to that poor woman

Do…do we add Peter Gregory from Silicon Valley to this list? It kinda seems like they're just gonna pull the ol' "oh he's busy on wacky adventures" instead of saying he died.

Jon Lovitz is funny when other people are telling him what to say. It's his own brain that sucks when it's not beating up Andy Dick.

Roy is basically what Andy Dwyer would be like in reality.

Oh hey this was discussed further down than I posted! I think they have him holding the football just so he can do the Charlie Brown AAGH at the end.

The best part of that end scene is that Dwight is holding a football only so he can Charlie Brown when he's foiled.

The ONLY thought in my head seeing stuff for this show was "oh neat, the guy that played Miles got another job. Good for him!"

TVDW was saying that Hannibal should at some point sing "I've Grown Accustomed To His Face" to Will Graham.

I believe Matthew Weiner and Harry Hamlin have said as much.

They were assuming on his behalf. Apparently nobody cares to actually find out what Harry thinks about anything. If they did, they would know that Harry has the utmost respect and loyalty to Don, and would never ever ever vote to fire him.

It's missing the end of the sentence "…because as soon as this show's gone I'm out of here like Steve Martin".

Publishers are interested!!

Yeah but how were the shrimp?

You're the devil.

It's a lot of money!