
Dead characters appear on the show all the time, though. Abigail appeared like 3 or 4 times until it was confirmed she was actually alive. Garrett Jacob Hobbs may be in more episodes than Price & Zeller, and he died in the very first one!

I really like the trial part of the trial episode. The part I don't like is the goddamned parade of fancy new killings. There are like 3 scenes of "civilian discovering scene of mutilation" in that episode.

The difference between the violence on Walking Dead & Game of Thrones, and the violence on Hannibal?

Hannibal would not be "surprised" at Will surviving. It would be exactly as he intended. The man's a surgeon, he knows what to cut to kill.

Will, and maybe Alana? I would imagine Abigail is gone and probably Jack, mostly because Laurnence Fishburne is a pretty big name and he might be antsy to do some new stuff.

I was going to complain about the Alana thing, until they "killed off" literally every non-Hannibal character on the show. I'm expecting this is a Season 5 of Community situation. If the show got cancelled fuck you, everyone's dead. It's been renewed, so they'll be okay.

And now, for a moment, we slip into a parallel dimension…one where Hannibal was cancelled, and THAT was the ending of the series. Fuck you, everyone's dead, Hannibal always wins.

Molly can't be dead. That would be such an incredibly huge misstep, and I would no longer have any investment in the show besides seeing literally every other major character get punished, because they're all unlikable. Lester and Lorne need to go to jail or worse, and Gus needs to be stripped of his badge. Until

It was great. This past season and a half without her, he's become Louis CK. He had a deep connection with Liz, he made a close friend in Miami, he spent his New Year with a family in China, he had a shot at David Letterman's job and took millions out of his pocket! Then Pamela shows up and he's briefly back to

That's Steve Carell. He's right there.


Ugh, a TV show based on Fargo?

Michael Pitt's performance has been very Goldblum-y.

Entourage may have been the original hatewatch show. Every LA comedian seems to have watched it religiously, even though they all despised it.

I'm genuinely surprised Bill turned around. I thought he would rip into her again for doing work on a case she's not assigned to, and then the later reveal that Bill works for Stavros or something. Turns out he's just kind of thick.

Well Molly and Ida discussing the smell of a newborn baby ruined the end of this episode for me, cause all I could think about was U Talking U2 To Me.

I'm so sick of him talking shit. They're both jerks. Carney tried to pick more fights with Justin Bieber this week, and I don't think anybody took the bait cause they could all see he was trying to get the Black Keys in the news cause the album was coming out.

They clearly held it back because they didn't want to release a scathing negative review of one of the performers at their festival. I'm shocked they let that review of the new season of Maron go through for the same reason. Maron is furious about it, and I would be surprised if he hasn't tried to drop out of the AV

I also came to this band for ass-kicking blues rock, and I got half-assed glam rock and psychedelia.

I would watch a show with just one of those people.