
I am the captain now.

I think the Grandmother knew Piper's parents were assholes and if those kids turned her funeral into something that would make them mad, she would be all for it.

It's probably just me projecting Deirdre Lovejoy's old character onto her new one, but I can't help but imagine that in every session with Healy she's constantly thinking "ugh, THIS fucking guy".

I used Reddit for a couple months and hated it the entire time, but would get at least 1 interesting article out of it every day so I stuck with it. Eventually I cut it out entirely and I feel so much better for it.

This article REALLY starts with "video games aren't just Pong anymore!!!"?

Hello, I'm from the future. Well well well, look who was right?

Who has two thumbs, and not much else?

I thought there was no way this could look even remotely good.

Great Job Providing 35% Of Our Content For The Day, Reddit!


They should've gone full-on Kenny Powers and used "Your Touch".

She's in the new Jurassic Park.

At the very least, this season they cut out the horrendous ~lilting piano ballad~ that would play every time Daya and Bennett would have a scene together.

An important part of me becoming an adult was realizing that Gary Oldman being in a movie doesn't automatically make it a good movie. Same with Morgan Freeman.

Nathan For You is back next week, and I could not be more excited. The man is a genius.

I think 70% of the humor of the Very Tall Man comes from his goofy voice.

Have you seen it?

And yet there are so many people who fall right into it like Winnie the Pooh getting stuck in the tree.

So you're saying if I had both my arms, I'd be okay?

Yeah, he was less a Man of Science and more a Man of Goddamn I Hate Locke Shut Up You Old Jerk.