
Paul Reubens

As I mentioned above, IJ doesn't get its hooks in you until around page 250. The first 250 are almost like a test of your mental energy and willingness to really dive into something in hopes of getting something out of it. His reference throughout the book to the AA motto "Keep coming back" is significant. I've been

Word. Consider the Lobster or ASFT if Infinite Jest seems too daunting. But if you can make it through the first 250 pages of Infinite Jest, there's a decent chance you will end up devouring all of his books over the next two years.

There's plenty of thoroughly depressing stuff to come. I had to take a 24 hour break from it the other day. But there's plenty of funny stuff, too. He always provides a chaser or reward for making it through the complicated and/or brutally dark stuff, which I feel is very considerate.

Yes, yes. But the chapter where the IRS guys are stuck in the elevator was fucking rad. As were several other chapters. I think this book contains some of his best, most home-hitting (for me, at least) work. To let yourself be too concerned with whether or not it works as a whole would be a mistake, I feel. Maybe it

Are you referring to the first chapter in particular? Because, yeah, it is fucking beautiful, and pretty Updike-ish, though I didn't recognize that until now. Kinda interesting. You can also see it in that first Toni Ware chapter, where he describes the landscape of the trailer park area and the trees burning on the

(sigh) Sex-lexia.

I know, right?

We aimed no higher than "decent." So that's a compliment.

The Texas Travesty. I was just thinking that. I wrote an article for that same issue. Not the Radiohead one, though.

Doth t'were slings and arrows of canturbury tales. Forthwith.

Are you being sarcastic, dude?

To anyone reading Infinite Jest, I would highly recommend reading the new transcribed interview-style book that recently came out Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself as a companion. It really fleshes out some of the themes and gives you a great look at the man it's coming from and what he's trying to do.

I love this man
from Infinite Jest:

His stuff does require a lot of mental effort but the payoff is enormous, which is just as he intended it. I've been kind of obsessively reading and rereading all of his work for the past two years and I can honestly say it's the only literature that actually, noticeably changed my life and my way of thinking.

I am disgusted by this lazy approximation of a Simpsons quote.

Thank you, Jesus
Thank you Lawd

Jetson's incest porn, however, is just about the hottest shit I've ever laid eyes on.

I've always found Simpson's porn to be very, very unsettling, but why do all the pictures have to be incestuous? What kind of personality does it take to decide drawing these pictures and posting them to the internet is a worthwhile endeavor?

And they never give blow jobs. They're too self-involved. And if they do they're uninspired and essentially wack as hell.