
I struggle with nihilistic tendencies often, and I've found Buddhism helps a lot. Everything is choice, as they say (and as Susan Sarandon said last episode); existence may be suffering, but you can always choose to look at things more positively.

Also hinting that he might be a closet conspiracist, another scientific no-no.

Fanboys are chanting "long live rock and Morty! Never cancel this show!!" And I do like the show, but for the exact reasons the review mentioned, I don't know how much more meaningful story it has left to tell. Rick is invincible, undefeatable, a bored god, and that will get old eventually.

The fact that a super-intelligent, ultra-rational genius would be fixated on something as racially sensitive as Israel; he's embarrassed that he might be a drunken anti-Semite.

I thought they washed up on the other side of the lake. Which how did they there and all, but it's something.

I assume this is what's happening between Dany, Jon and Jorah, but damned if I can actually tell from Emilia Clarke's acting ability. She looked at Jorah and Jon exactly the same lol. It's funny, Jon and Dany have chemistry from their shared lack of acting ability.

Suicide Squad seems to have won the Internet.

Yeah I like how many of the characters nowadays are just regular folk wanting to fight the good fight. He may be the son of a king, but he doesn't strike me as having any desire for the crown.

I hear from a trusted Simpsons source that The Simpsons has gotten pretty good again recently. Cue angry disagreeing comments that I'm not going to pay attention to!

(Movie spoilers if you care) Jake as the key to it all makes sense. There's an interesting angle where he lost his father in the movie and is looking for a replacement in Roland; whether this was all in his head was an interesting question I had that was immediately stamped out by the unsubtle script. That could have

Like he was mainlining the secret truth of the universe, ya dig?
(Apologies for the patentedly jarring King-ism)

Flashes of brilliance (strong intro, whenever Elba and McConaughey are on screen together, cool action) but my eyes glazed over when they kept needlessly overexplaining the pretty simple plot. To make sure general audiences get it, ya dig? Enjoyable, not the trainwreck it could've been, but also not the genius it

I was tickled pink when I found out my younger brother had started playing D & D. He might have heard that I played occasionally, and he probably has seen some of his favorite Youtubers playing it, but him and his gamer friends started it up. It does seem to be making quite a comeback these days: maybe it has

See I don't entirely agree with the whole "the world is shit now, people are shit now, what happened?" What happened is people have always been shit, we just have news and the Internet now, with access to every shitty thing everyone is doing all at once, so that might skew our statistical perspective a bit.

Oh I read that as Batman and Robin XD

Oh I missed that. Did she talk to the Native American guy in that language? I thought they were talking in English.

UPDATE: Just did some research, and Ottoman Turkish is based off of Arabic and Persian. It's possible the Amazons would have ancient sources from those languages, but she synthesized her knowledge of those two languages into a new language remarkably fast.

Also how did she know Ottoman? It certainly post-dates Ancient Greek. I assume they collect various languages from throughout the world, but that implies that they aren't isolationist. Maybe they've sent spies out occasionally to gather intel.

Haha I got in trouble for that yesterday; put < spoiler > without the spaces then < /spoiler >, again no spaces.

Amen. True diversity is accepting that *everyone* has different viewpoints, not ones that can easily be lumped into racial groups. Subjective criticism is the wave of the future!