
AA-12 automatic shotgun. I bet Lynch just liked the shape of it; it's a very odd and distinct gun.

I loved the crime boss's performance, like he was on some kind of mind altering drug, and he was having the most amazingly profound thoughts, but was annoyed by the presence of the kid who was taking him away from those thoughts.

It's a bonus that all the songs at the end are really f*cking good.

All it took for me to start paying attention this season was for the violence to become more real and less comedic. Itclicked for me when Sy was forced to drink from the cup. They finally stopped telling us that they were trapped in a business deal and started showing us the consequences for their actions, although

Hooray for Huell's actor losing all that weight!/ boo for Huell gaining all that weight under Jimmy's employ.

I loved that scene where Dougie's associate complained about him taking his coffee, agrees to try the green tea latte, then really likes it. I got the sense that here's a man who has had one job for the past 20 years and has never once changed his routine, until that cup of tea, which has opened his mind to any number

Maybe the magic ran out after he nuked the place.


As his trips to the other side illustrated, he's prone to maintaining ludicrous fantasies.

:*))) I love this show guys seriously. A random note but how good was Carrie Coon's aged make-up? It was so phenomenal, I couldn't even tell it was there. Lindelof must have a sore spot after the bad wigs of Lost; that's the only thing he was defensive about in this finale lol. Kevin's not so much; it took me a minute

Knowing Warner Bros., Batman and Superman will inexplicably be replaced by women next movie.

Does that mean he's not really dead?

It was incredibly visually striking, then Matt had to go and ruin it by speaking XD

Anyone else notice the Overlook Hotel?

Still could be! Wizard and Glass in development for distribution; hopefully HBO or Netflix picks it up

I just had a depressing thought: how many black guys are gonna get shot by police because they thought Roland looked cool and dressed up as him for Halloween? Hopefully none :(

And The Girlfriend Experience, embarassingly enough. It's like The Social Network, but for young rich millenials who are too young to even remember The Social Network.

I was under the impression that he was Native American.

Noble book readers help me out: didn't Shadow actually die when he was hung? I don't remember the details from the book but it doesn't seem like he did in the show.

I've said it before I'll say it again: why? She's the worst of the new age artistic philosophy of over-interaction with your audience. Call me old-school, but I don't care if you think Hermione and Ron were a mistake; publish the damn book and shut up.