
We would like you to know that those responsible have been sacked.

Save your money and see him at cheaper festivals like Electric Forest. They also do solo shows I think.

Be sure to film it!

This deserves the most likes. I would pay to watch Juggalo Island; it would be full of Violent J contemplating the wonders of magnets staring appreciatively into the mid-distance.

I want to see all the social media posts from the richies saying "you know, I can really empathize with the refugee experience now. That's why I'm starting a Kickstarter to get refugee kids gold plated iWatches; to give them a leg up, you know?"

Ooo I hadn't listened to that one in a while; it is really good! Makes me wish it had gotten the full orchestral treatment, and not made on an iPad. That's the thing about The Fall; as good as it can be, there's always the caveat that it's iPad music. Good iPad music, but still; the sound quality is limited by the

It sounds the most real out of all their albums. I love the real instruments they used, from the changling guitars of 5/4 to the smoky (I almost want to call it gooey) bass of Latine Simone; and it's one thing I lament about modern Gorillaz with the move to synthesizers/iPads; I still love them, but their ability to

While I agree the Crocodile Bar looked really cool, I was confused by what demographic it was going for. It looked like one of those tacky tourist trap bars but it was occupied by skeevy people; why is that? Maybe all the tourists have moved on…

Agreed; what's your guys' opinions on The Fall? I think it's more academically interesting than enjoyable to listen to; a smattering of cool beats and soundscapes that feels more like a B-sides collection than a proper albm.

I feel like a lot of this review is based on the assumption that you had heard about the Trump anecdote mentioned above. I hadn't, so a lot of these criticisms don't make sense.

The silence will be deafening, and they will at last be forced to stare into the abyss of their soul; will they be driven mad by what they see?

Haven't watched the most recent seasons of The Americans, so I'm talking out of my ass, but can we please stop pretending it's the best show on television?

I was under the impression that it was the location of Holy Wayne's camp, or somewhere near it.

He has a clothing fetish after the ultimate role-playing experience of International Assassin. Him and Mark-Linn Baker too!

Yes thank you who gives a shit. They needed a sign around his neck saying "I proudly identify as a half British-Pakistani, half-Caucasian! (Or is it a third British, a third Pakistani, a third Caucasian? Or since Ahmed's character wasn't British, half Pakistani-American and half Caucasian?) Not everyone needs a

Jonah, lacking the sef-awareness to see the similarities in his date's cancer story: "I'm gonna be honest, that's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard."

This. Only time you ever use "it's" is "it is." It's simple really.

Yes! The scene between her and her mother was the only scene with any kind of emotional heartbeat, and it should have been earlier in the movie. The identity politics around a Japanese person in a white body are complex enough to base your entire movie around, not shoehorn in at the end.

Yeah if anything it gives more room for the legitimately good movies to be noticed.

There's a lot of fascinating shade thrown into his performance in season 2 as well.