
There's a dye dealer in Breath of the Wild who's up there. "Today seems like a good day to dye!"

Out of all the characters to have stick around to the very end, Pete Campbell is one of them? I get why, but come on guys.

I have more hope for it opening in August than July. Guardians opened in August remember.

I enjoy schadenfreude as much as the next guy, but something tells me it will become the most overused word of 2017.

A friend of mine recently told me he went to see Fifty Shades Darker ("I see everything" was his defense) but he actually bought the ticket for John Wick 2, figuring he'd much rather give the better movie his money. Maybe do the same with this one?

There's a 1933 one? Interesting…

This is so oddly specific one can only assume you're from the future!

Who borrowed it from Iron Man. So busy!

Plus it's mostly empty even on its busiest days.


PS this is a really fucking good article. It reads like a thesis, but in a good way :) I'd love to read a piece from Iggy on the Chicago World's Fair; that shit is fascinating.

That's Dearborn. I guess it's technically a suburb of Detroit, but I see them as separate cities.

Every time I hear the name Chris Brown I'm infuriated that someone like him can still remain culturally relevant and profitable. Can we please bury him in the cultural lexicon already?

Also Long John Wentworth is my great-great-great grandfather.

Being from Michigan, I nevertheless call Chicago my home city instead of Detroit. Growing up on the west side, I've spent more time there, and most importantly, I enjoy it much more. It's much more diverse than Detroit, which is split between big rich white auto industry families (blue collar workers moved out of the…

It trailer before the Dark Tower trailer? Jesus Christ guys it's like you want that movie to fail.

Rubicon!! Still sore about that one.

Its *poster* is more colorful than this mess

Young healthy guy here, and my dad is a big senior rights activist and senior himself. I can't imagine how disappointed he would be if that bill passed, so I am very happy for him and the other important elders in my life.

Alas, conservative America's favorite past-time, saying something over and over and over til it becomes true will not work this time!