
I have made it past Eos, and am just starting to get into the laundry list of tasks. All of the ones I've gotten so far are narratively justified and have a small story, therefore it makes me want to do all of them. I don't know if they get more filler-y the further you go, but right now I'm okay with it.

I love this. Me and my autistic brother would watch Sesame Street back in the day, and I'm so glad someone like him is being included on the show!

Little detail, but I love how the bullet Jean Smart tried to touch burned her fingers. I literally thought "people do this in time slowing situations in stories all the time, but wouldn't the kinetic energy remain the same? If she puts her finger in front of the bullet won't it just fly off?", then my thoughts were

She did say he acted "holy." Although I don't know if it does take place in the X-Men movie-verse as this is a much looser, more stylized world than that one. I like to think that his dad's Professor X, hell, he might even look like Patrick Stewart, but it is not the X-Men cinematic universe; more of an offshoot like

I think it's deliberately difficult to place what time period this show's in, and takes place in its own outside-time realm. Division 3 has modern weaponry yet everything else is '50sish. Pretty sure some outside world places looked modern as well.

Can we seriously talk about how great Aubrey Plaza has been? She should win something for this show.

The meta direction the series went in was at the time mindblowingly cool, but now I see it as a bit indulgent. I can't blame him for rushing things after almost dying.


I'm sure this will detract .5% of box office sales from ultra conservative parents who love guns yet hate legal controversies (and swords). Other than that it's "good" publicity for those marginally more interested in this movie now (myself included, even though he had nothing to do with it. Watching a movie from a

What would a del Toro Star Wars flick look like I wonder?

When I'm feeling real randy, I ask it when the world will end, like that scene in Mr. Robot. For some reason that does it for me.

Post your times on Facebook to compete with your friends via leaderboard! Let your friends know exactly what you're into!

I would say the Internet of things has gone too far, but any idiot who buys an online-enabled vibrator kind of has it coming.

Props to the makeup team for making the Yellow King both really tacky-looking and utterly terrifying at the same time.

That'd be the one instance where comic book guilt could work well. *White guy with a martial arts bandana beats up Asian guy; Asian guy says "Who are you?"… "Iron Fist." … "Really?" says the Asian guy."Yeah, I know, it's not my first choice."

Good thing it's not the other way around: plucky robots and dying kids wouldn't make nearly as much money.

While disappointing that we'll have to wait longer than usual, this is actually great news for my emotional well being. Summer is the worst time to watch this show, as it takes all those good feelings you naturally get and ruins them. This is much more of an October show.

Ahh I didn't see that cooking spot.

Running towards a cliff and instantly jumping onto it, no button press required is crazy intuitive

I remember stumbling across a tower after climbing a mountain for the sake of it, and the tower being covered in thorns. I had come across thorns before, but I suddenly had the epiphany to use fire arrows to burn them away. A simple puzzle, but it felt so great precisely because no one told me how to do it.