

That cross becoming an X was remarkably profound for me, and finally broke me after holding it in through the end of the movie. It's a small, unremarkable monument to all X-Men fans out there, and all people who feel like they've never belonged: you're not alone.

I love how they even had an extended scene from a goddamn Western play a major plot point (which one was that by the way?).

omg yes. It was perhaps the smartest movie decision made this year to have the X-Men comic book exist in-universe; it let it both reference the X-Men comics and the power of storytelling in general, the strength it can give to people who are all alone (that toy Wolverine the kid was holding did me in). SPOILER That

Lost in Translation is the perfect platonic ideal of the many semi-romantic relationships I've been in. One of my all-time favorites!

Is there a way to edit him out of the film? I agree that it's a wonderful romance.

Also, kudos to the film for taking Wick down a surprisingly dark road. VEILED SPOILERS: when he kills you know who in the you know where, he's basically accepting his role as a killer, and giving everything up for revenge. It was nowhere near a happy ending. (I love this film, if you can't tell. Although, it was

Can we stop calling them alt-right and call them what they are: Nazis? Preferrably in the Brad Pitt Inglourious Basterds style: "gnat-zies."

It *is* hard to frown when I hear Shake it Off!

For such a monumentally important album, I have met remarkably few people who have actually listened to Lemonade. Probably something to do with fuck Tidal.

I have a soft spot for James Cromwell as the farmer from Babe, but I quit watching AHS when they revealed he was a Nazi doctor. It seemed like at that point they were just throwing shit at the wall to see what stuck.

Yeah I'm lucky enough to not have seen any of the memes. It's kind of like making fun of the kid with special needs: too obvious and it shows your ignorance. Plus the kid with special needs is wayyyy smarter than you will ever be.

Varys *is* my favorite Game of Thrones character! He stands out as being the one altruistic character on the show (since every one of his character defining speeches is about how lives to serve the Realm, with no hint of ulterior motive, we'll have to take his word for it. I can see it being tied to his status as a

The show, like Pius himself, is both fairly straightforward and really bizarre. I was thrown by the first episode (why is this a season review? Gonna get a whole lot of spoilers), but as you said, "contradiction" definitely did stick in my head.

Yeah as the mysteries stacked on top of each other and looped back around, becoming exponentially more complicated, full of half truths and red herrings (the sugar bowl? What was that about again? Does it matter?) I realized it was pointless trying to suss everything out and go along for the ride.

The movie had the budget to go much bigger with the aesthetic. I'm okay with the stage play quality of the show.

I don't know if this has been mentioned in the comments below, but what if Lemony Snicket is the Baudelaire's real father (presumably making Beatrice their mother)? Sure we see Will Arnett, but he could just as easily be a relative, or someone posing as their father. It would certainly explain Snicket's strange

Another zinger: "Your relative, Count Olaf, is so excited to meet you! He's an actor, so you know his excitement is genuine."

Ooo has anyone mentioned A Series of Unfortunate Events? Watching the Netflix show and it's making me reminisce. JUST LOOK AT THIS (and listen, the song's fantastic). https://youtu.be/JoBnHYKcCRU