

They hit the nail on the head with Mackenzie Davis though. She looks as though she could be the wiry blonde replicant's daughter. Hopefully she's in the movie more than Leto.

Ditto on the less journalism thing. It seems mainstream media has caught on to outrage culture, and have been covering stories with the expectation of fostering more outrage and therefore more views. No thanks. Plus, as shitty as it sounds, I'm happier the less I hear about how shit the world is; my goal is to focus

How did Connor Cook do? As a fellow MSU alum I'm vaguely curious.

That song was for Desolation of Smaug. I can't decide if I like Ed Sheehan or not; if he didn't have the inexplicable mega popularity he has now, I would be a better judge.

Don't have time to watch the video right now, but I really hope Michael Clayton gets a mention. Favorite denouement in a movie maybe ever; just 2 or so minutes of watching George Clooney simply existing in a cab, possibly at peace, but also possibly planning his next move after the bomb he just dropped on Tilda

Yeah nope. Just the word fluids makes me wriggle. I also hate the noise of people swallowing liquid, especially in McDonald's radio commercials where the obligatory "AHHH" is I'm pretty sure code for an orgasm.

Considering it created financial padding for the ever-savvy Pattinson and Stewart to do riskier independent movies, I'd say you're partially correct.

I didn't have any for Inquisition and it blew me away, so it may be good to just have no expectations in general.

Wasted opportunity now that you mention it. Although this is Old Black Man's dream, so this is all technically from his perspective.

Dee's subtle reaction when Mac ends with "deep down inside we're all white men" is gold. It's like "dammit Mac, he was so close. Ehh, he went through all that effort singing, and I don't want to blow our chances, so I won't say anything." Add it to the top of her landfill-sized list of abuse XD.

Ditto on the delete your social media Sean. Whoooole lot of hate and ignorance with what seems like very little actual socializing anymore. If you know them well enough, get their phone number and call them up every once and a while. Now I'll have to check out Gas!

Those were my thoughts before finding out about the super creeper subtext. Fuck this movie and movies like it it (Collateral Beauty) for subtext normalizing thoughtless/deranged/dangerous messages against women and the mentally ill.

I like, hell, even love Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt separately, but together in one movie's too much. Watching those two perfect people (not really perfect of course, but that's their screen image) and their perfect people problems sounds infuriating. Like the urge to squish a really cute kitten you're holding


Thanks for the Harmony recommendation Caitlin! My mom is heavily invested in the autism world, so I'm sure she'll enjoy it as a Christmas gift; which I'll have to steal from her after she's done ;)

Also, maybe I'm overselling Halo: Reach's storytelling acumen, but I definitely got some Halo: Reach vibes from the story.

I might be in the minority here, but I wish Rogue One had a very different score to match its different tone. On the rain planet, I kept thinking "man, how cool would some Blade Runner-style dark synth be right now?"

Aw hell, I got a cousin… *awkward silence*

I empathized with him more than anyone in the family.