
Hard to tell with the lighting, but his hair also looks a lot darker.

Anyone remember that fucking mummy scene? That thing is burned into my memory; mummies should not "move-without-moving" towards you with an immense bundle of balloons that move against the wind.

Same with Jack Sawyer from the Talisman. Kid's supposed to be 12, yet his internal monologue reads like a 40 year old man!

One thing King does so well is the sense of isolation even when people are around. Reading the Talisman, and the beginning, where Jack is wandering around the New Hampshire ghost town is so good at that. There's a part where he's in an arcade, and there are two old guys playing ski-ball in the very back. What's their

Me me, I'm a cuck boy!

Got a real Radiohead Kid A vibe; diggin it!

It's the Chinese!!!

Then he still goes to give the femtocell to Darlene. What a shmuck! Seriously though I can't even begin to imagine how much that hurt; well, actually I can, now I think about it, because I got a nerve blocker shot in the bone of my foot once for a broken toe that overloaded my nerves with so much pain that they

Yeah, it seems to be showing how a wealth redistribution attack would really go. Even though they are debt-free, the poor and working class would still get shit on cuz the banks still have physical (digital?) control over most of their money, so they'll naturally hoard it so they don't go out of business. Inertia will

I normally agree that Leo Norbert Butz is the weakest link, but he did some seriously great work in the AA meeting. His affect was someone extremely uncomfortable and unused to talking about oneself, so he just kind of went stiff and monotone. Having lost my brother years ago, I do the exact same thing when confronted

I love the scene where Dom is watching the Bachelor knock-off while reading about Gideon being shot; perfect representation of the cognitive dissonance of living in the modern world. Also, was that social anxiety pop-up random, or was it supposed to be a hint about her character through creepy targeted advertisement?

Do we know it's E Corp? Certainly would not be good news for F Society… although haven't they moved out by now?

The Witcher 3 also has an option where you can disable every part of the HUD so you can focus purely on the aesthetics, or take screenshots. Side note: I I don't have the patience to walk everywhere, but I do enjoy not fast traveling. It requires a much more calculated effort on your part, where you have to plan out

I wonder if that was her house. It certainly seemed creepy enough, but could she really afford a place like that at her age? I don't live in New York, but I hear property prices are astronomical.

Especially after the Transformers travesties…

I see the cat becoming, if not a recurring character, then a recurring symbol for the absurdity of all of this.

Repeated here for emphasis: Eugeeeene! :(( They nailed the reason why it hurt so bad, besides him obviously being the heart of the show; it's how quiet and restrained it was compared to the absolute lunacy of the episode's beginning.

That sewer they were in reminded me of the Gates of Hell in New Jersey. http://weirdnj.com/stories/… Definitely got some foreboding foreshadowing out of that.

OH and Desmond waking up in the past!!! I was losing my shit! Gah I need to rewatch this show…

We can think two things!