
I loved the absurd simplicity of putting the cork back in. There are lots of things in life that we may think are absurd or stupid, but we do them anyways because we need to for our family and friends, and that's what imbues them with significance.

Yeah that's the thing; The fan theories were so outrageous and entertaining in their own right (Jacob is Vincent!) that they could never satisfy everyone, so I stopped expecting answers early on cuz I knew I wouldn't get them.

Me too! I love that the show encouraged you to think critically and question and poke and prod and investigate (remember the Lost book list? I got into Lord of the Flies cuz of Lost) and most importantly, to come up with your own answers. The answers the show gives you could never be as satisfying.

Yeah, if I have one complaint about the show, it's that they relied too heavily on the big reveal mystery box technique. It was great for baiting audiences to tune in next week, but it doesn't hold up as well on repeat viewings, when we know what's going on and wish they would get on with it already.

There was a period when ABC were trying desperately to capture lightning in a bottle twice. Remember Flash Forward? The Event? I don't think there has been a show since that has had the scope, ambition, batshit ingenuity, and also audience size of Lost; the only other one I can think of is the Leftovers, which doesn't

The Island disappearing and that damned inscrutable hatch door were some of my favorite mythology moments.

The show leaned into the ridiculousness so much that it jumped the shark in its first episode (polar bear!!) and never looked back; that's why I love it.

I was so completely overwhelmed by emotion that I wasn't focused on the nitty-gritty who cares of it all. I was depressed for months after it ended!

I miss the days where you watch episodes once a week. That waiting period fostered discussion, conversation, etc. A lot of my best friends I became friends with through our shared interest in Lost. Now everyone just binges everything and it feels like it's become more disposable and forgettable. Only show still like

If I need to itch my nose while playing, I get blinded by that damn useless light on the bottom.

The music alone (as well as the detail-focused direction of the intro scene) made me sit up and pay close attention.

Wonder why Cersei wasn't with Tommen when the sept was blown up. Surely she could have stopped him from killing himself; she could have talked him down. My theory is she was too ashamed of what she had done to face him.

Ska Talkerman

Yes! The score was so good and so immediately arresting I had to watch with headphones on.

Oh yeah, forgot about that; there's only like 4 of the main guys left now. Well, that makes them a much more underwhelming threat than I had anticpated.

Yeah, seeing how many thousands upon thousands of ridiculous pointless casualties happen on this show, I seriously doubt Westeros has the man power to sustain a prolonged war against the White Walkers. That's one of my biggest concerns with the show actually, is that they've done too good of a job to show that the

Didn't he say he was Braavosi? Would make sense for him to go home after all that…

Why would Jaime let Brienne and the Blackfish go to Winterfell? Aren't the Lannisters allies with the Boltons? Although I could see his fondness for Brienne over-ruling the fact that they're allies with an already shitty house.

Yeah good thing she goofed the neck cut. For a second there I was Red Wedding level shocked, but then I saw she somehow managed to fuck up getting Arya in the one spot that would guarantee her death. She's not as good an assassin as she thinks she is.