
The captions called McShane's character "Ray" for the record; may he rest in peace, the old fool.

Bet they pull a Better Call Saul and have him become the Jesse we know by the end of the first season, or throughout the course of the show. Makes for a more interesting character arc.

Yeah, I thought they had resurrected, but the reviewer seems to think that was a flashback. It's unclear, although next week on Preacher we see them gearing up for a literal assault on the chapel, so I'm going with resurrected.

It's becoming harder to be satirical when you have politicians like Donald Trump on the ticket. Life imitating art…

It's weird, I watched this episode right after I started writing again. I needed that, universe!

I love how Shoshana's anti-hipster angle went so far that it came back around to being hipster XD "Earnest facial hair only" wtf does that mean?

In response to your comment on how often extreme violence is glorified or viewed cavalierly when it's neither; yes! Violence can be an extremely effective storytelling tool; it can inform so much about the characters and the world they inhabit. Unfortunately it can often veer into caricature when done by people who

What's your thoughts on the end? At first I was disgusted at Joel (the fact that he lost his daughter, and is trying to re-create her in Ellie, shows us how selfish and pathologically broken he is), but then I started thinking more about what parenting would be, and never having kids, I can't know for sure, but I can

The Last of Us tho! That game made me feel bad several times for the severity of its violence (especially towards the end, when we see the depths of Joel's depravity/emotional longing/whatever it was that drove him to do the things he did). I understood that it was absolutely critical though in hammering home the cost

I don't think we can or should expect too much from Battlefield 1 in terms of it's ability to break out of the good guys vs. bad guys mindset; it's a multiplayer shooter after all, where two teams are inevitably pitted against each other; this is just how the game is. Complaining about it dehumanizing the conflict is

It looks like they'll speed things up considerably, while keeping the technology and locations as accurate as possible.

Ditto; Steve saying he knew about it was devastating. Although I'm curious to know exactly how he knew about it? Maybe Sharon told him about it? Or Bucky did?? Any ideas?

I felt like Bucky should have died too, maybe by Tony's hand. That would have cut Cap's last ties to his old life, and driven a *very* deep rift between the two of them; imagine how epic and dramatic that ending would have been! But, then they can't have them come back together for Infinity War :/ I love Marvel

Yeah, we should've seen that coming with Tony Stark proclaiming "I am Iron Man;" secret identities are basically non-existent in the MCU. Almost everyone goes out of their way to take off their masks during their big dramatic moments; except, strangely, for Cap at the end of this one.

I was just relieved that she was Peggy's niece, not her daughter. I'm reminded of that line from Step Brothers: something something old bull, young calf XP

*SPOILERS* It puts their relationship in a weird place, because storytelling logic dictates that he has to bury his old life to begin his new one, and yet Bucky remains alive. I feel it would have been a much more impactful ending if Bucky had died, either by sacrificing himself, or maybe even by Tony's hands (!);

Burnt by the Sun 2?! Was one burning not enough?

I think he got kicked in the head by a horse?

Only reason it's not surprising is because people have been obsessing about it for the past year on social media, and has been spoiled by everyone demanding answers to what happened; that's not the show's fault. Storytelling wise it makes perfect sense.

I remember looking up at the Jupiter-like planet that Pandora orbits at night in awe and seeing the faint shimmer of lightning through the gas layers; amazing! That said the story could be better; luckily James Cameron always makes really good sequels though, so I'm one of the few people on Earth excited for Avatar 2.