
The Dark Knight was my first midnight opening movie, and the lines were RIDICULOUS, wrapped around the theatre several times. When it was over, my cousin got up and started clapping, making the entire movie get up, and said "I have no idea what I just saw 'cuz I'm so tired, but I'm pretty sure it was the greatest

Cinema is a primarily visual language, and the visuals in that movie are spectacular

Seeing the first Lord of the Rings in theatres made me love movies; It was my Star Wars! My mom's cool friend took me to see it, and she always let me watch stuff my parents considered too edgy (like the Simpsons lol), so I knew the fact that she was taking me to see this movie meant it would be special.

Same with Gravity in IMAX 3D. There's no other way to see it; I felt dizzy after seeing it, but in a good way, like I had just returned from zero gravity.

Watch til whichever one features just Christopher Eccleston. THAT'S when I knew this show was gonna be special.

That's what I thought! Can we get a reboot of the Renegade Geologist and Manchine?

I feel bad: I had to pirate the second season because I couldn't afford HBO GO. Now that I'm in the black, I'll be their thirteenth official viewer!

For me it's the way they set up the cliches only to slowly knock them down. Joel is a typical white grizzled antihero who slowly grows to care about Ellie, only to pull the rug out from under us at the end, reminding us that the character is quite possibly a sociopath, and that we were foolish to think he was anything

I remember Cranston saying one time that baldness implied power

Under the Iron Sea is one of my favorite albums! A great mix of atmospheric tracks (Atlantic, Hamburg Song, A Bad Dream), and some of their best catchy ones (Is It Any Wonder?, Nothing In My Way, Crystal Ball).

Imagine their cover of "I Miss You"… *Remembers the line about spiders catching things and eating their insides* Gahhh nevermind, don't do that.

We made an album for dogs!

There's definitely ways Mike can sabotage their operation without them knowing who it is; that's what I assume the hose is for. He may even be able to point the blame to Nacho.

The way they sold it made it look to me like an earnest congratulation of these assholes. If it's not, though, well then, I may have to see it.

"a scene where a coked-out-of-his-mind Dwayne Johnson feeds his severed toe to a Chihuahua." Holy shit I want to see this movie now

Nope, it's shown, undead brains blown out and everything. That should have been a red flag right there.

Very beginning of very first episode zombie kid is killed.

If Psycho taught us anything, it's that it's all about execution. There are still tasteful ways to get away with really gruesome stuff; editing, lighting, camerawork can give you the desired impact without having to actually show it. POV shot with cheap sub-James Bond level blood does not cut it.

It's a great way of holding writers hostage.

The problem is AMC's hashtag-whoring business model that puts ratings above storytelling.