
The Leftovers is one of the most spiritually honest shows I've ever seen, because it's full of people who doubt their place in the world and the existence of God. The rapture-esque disappearances gives it the trappings of a sci-fi show, but it's really about people struggling with a seemingly random traumatic event,

How did he get his suit in the beginning? 95% sure he didn't have it on him. Come on show, you're better than that.

The reviewer finds a problem with the pointlessness of the final fight scene, but I feel like it makes sense coming off of Punisher calling out Daredevil on his hypocrisy in beating up criminals only to see them return to the streets. Daredevil could have turned around and left several times, but he kept going,

Same! The side characters on this show are so fascinating. I wonder where the twins are by the time Breaking Bad happens? Will they ever clear $1,000 in a single hit?

I loved AC3, probably spent the most time in that game just because the American Revolution is my favorite time period. It had its issues, but I feel like it was one of the first next gen games on the last gen consoles.

It's an interesting contradiction that I wish the series delved in to more (I hear it did in Rogue, but who has time to play a 3 year old last gen game?): the Assassins are inherently reactionary in that they're always foiling Templar plots, yet they constantly espouse revolution. You could argue that the Templars are

If AMC wants the Breaking Bad gravy train to keep running, maybe they'll add a Mike spinoff after Better Call Saul?

Better Call Saul is quickly overtaking Breaking Bad as my favorite show, mostly because of the speed at which they introduce their characters. Walter White was kind of painted as a caricature at the beginning of Breaking Bad, as the overwrought, impotent family man with a dark side, and I always felt like he got what

Am I the only one wondering where the actual album is? He said it would be released Feb. 11, but apparently that was only for his dumb MSG album listening party, now it's more than halfway through the 12th, and still no signs. What gives?

Jimes Tooper. Also their little twists on real names crack me up; The Little Dipster; Billy Crystals, etc.

Hope they don't weave him in to the X-Men franchise, it would dilute everything that makes him great by shoehorning him into a PG-13 team franchise. Keep him as the weird outsider that can call them on their bullshit.

The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre was too dark for me (and I cringe-laughed at the baby funeral). I think it backfired because it focused on *other* people that are weird and way worse than the gang. Man season 8 was dark. Never go near bath salts!

I remember seeing Daybreakers and thinking "man, this Ethan Hawke guy is the only thing holding this mess together" lol

I really hope they don't show you in the trailers! No offense but you're just some random teenager living in Queens!

Gives it an appropriate yet unsettling 9/11 vibe

Well, *that* escalated quickly.

It's fun/interesting to see how the teams line up and hypothesize about why: Iron Man, War Machine, and Vision being pro-registration makes sense; Iron Man is probably still smarting after his Ultron debacle, and wants to make amends (albeit again in an over-reaching, short-sighted and authoritarian way); War Machine