
While we're talking Dark Tower, there's a hundred things that series made me scared of. Crabs, doors, vans, dinner parties lol the list goes on.

It's extended to a visceral reaction whenever I hear someone who makes noise while drinking. I want to slap them and yell "QUIT SLURPING! IT'S NOT THAT HARD!"

Ew. But also after the suitcase scene, I've never looked at those the same.

Fact or Fiction was another Unsolved Mysteries-type show where they would show 3 creepy crime stories, one of which was true. The fact that they were all so ghoulishly outlandish made the true ones that much scarier.

My dad's house has a big window overlooking a pond and woods. Nevermind the creepy af woods, I saw a UFO fly over it once (five close dim orangeish constant lights arranged in a cross shape moving silently, very slowly across the sky). I remember it was during that episode of Lost where Sawyer took control of all of

The giant underwater dinosaur in Jurassic World for the same reason. I was vice-gripping my brother's arm, "NOPE, NOPE, NOPE"-ing the whole time.

It's less a banal fear than a banal disgusting sound gag reflex, but anytime a Coke or drink ad does the obligatory "fill the glass up, drink it down throatily, finish with an over-the-top obnoxious AHHHHH like you just orgasmed," no. All of those sounds are like nails on chalkboard for me.

Love how the camera moves with the action, almost like a 4th character, as opposed to Michael Bay style of focusing on the shiniest objects nearby

Each panel is a piece of paper; that should give you a sense of the scale of the actual piece.

*The entire runtime

Interesting that he gets to play both the impotent intellegentsia in Rubicon and the All-American security contractor (?) in this. Maybe Michael Bay liked him in Rubicon but missed the entire f***ing point of the show.

I want to see someone go to that movie and yell "BENGHAZI!" at the screen in their best Fox News voice until they get thrown out. REMEMBER BENGHAZIIII-*gets shot by simultaneously effete yet cunning liberal assassin*

*Really good sequels. I do *not* want to start an Alien vs. Aliens flame war.

Plus he always makes better sequels (T2, Aliens), so I'm actually looking forward to it as well.

I remember getting one for a screening of Inception with an explanation of the dream world and the different roles the characters played in creating the world. It was a pretty cool touch!

And he didn't even splice in any split second pornography shots? Wasted opportunity!

I took a Shakespeare course at Michigan State (only Michigan State? Come on, man, have some pride!), and we had to re-enact Henry IV. It was that scene where Henry (me) gets super pissed at Falstaff (funny bro who stuffed pillows down his shirt). We won what my professor called a "Big Willy" for Best Group

That adds to the "enjoyable cheese" factor for me.

Me too! lol. Unfortunately she reminds me of an ex-girlfriend…

I really hope they eschew historical accuracy and have them create their own Wolfenstein-alike