
I really wish this show wasn't tied so closely to our world of Apple and Microsoft conglomerate innovation; I want to see all of these characters have their dreams realized! It lends the whole show a tragic vibe that they will probably never be the visionaries they so desperately want to be.

Speaking of misguided Stray Observations: I actually see Cameron liking Billy Joel; quirky loners seem to be drawn to him.

*Slight spoilers* More than any other game, that ending has stuck with me (tied with Bioshock Infinite). So much so that the ending of Life is Strange gave me flashbacks to the Last of Us. Initially I railed against Joel for being a selfish asshole, but after a while I came to understand what he did: let the world

I thought the same thing when Danson said "I got to thinkin', which is dangerous I know." Wilson's reaction, a slight chuckle, made that look ad-libbed as well! That's the mark of really good acting, when on-screen and off-screen relationships work so well that you can't really tell.

Mike even calls a guy friendo for Pete's sake.

I felt so bad for him! That's the shittiest outcome, and ironically the one he should have seen coming with all his talk of big business as the way of the future. Quit that shit and go back to being a gangster, man, it's what you're good at lol

My money's on Lem being from the Dexter Michigan militia. Love how specific this show is about Michigan geography; it's a place you don't see often on T.V.

Why Kathryn Hahn isn't more popular I have no idea. She is just fantastic!

I can't get past how distinctly non-1930s German they sound. Not just that, they don't look or act like they're from the '30s. When you do period pieces, you have to find someone with the je ne se quois essence of the period, like Jon Hamm on Mad Men, and they definitely didn't have it (A commentary on the

I was soooo surprised when I found out Jay Duplass and Kathryn Hahn are the same age; He looks and acts like he's in his 20s!

If you freeze frame during flipping through the book of the history of crime in the Midwest on the Waffle Hut Massacre page, it's the same two paragraphs repeating over and over. Normally I would call a faux pas on that, but it does something to highlight the show's absurdity for me.

Or perhaps in Kevin's case, it was the fact that he was dead and didn't have anything to lose lol

As far as whether the writers were conceding anything, I think they both were and weren't. Sure it was silly, but I think the larger point they were trying to make is that there are some things in life that don't make sense, and we can question them all we want, but the only way you can get through them is with faith

I thought the same thing! I thought it was Kevin's dog! Or was that the one that ran away? It looked a lot cleaner outside than it did inside…

I've been thinking that this whole time. Wait… what if they're both aliens, and they're playing both sides??

You could hypothetically chalk Hank leaving Ed and Peggy's house up to brain damage, or him caring much more about his son (in-law? Don't remember their exact relationship) being threatened than the bimbo wife of a murderer.

I still remember Hal's ridiculous ritual, zipping up the fly, cricking his neck, doing the dance every time I go bowling.

Who's looking forward to a Hanzee/Mike Milligan showdown sometime soon?

Love how on the nose that whole Azrael thing was. It's like Lindelof incorporating some fan theory in to the show just to show how ridiculous and utterly besides the point the Ultimate Cause is. Won't stop people from trying to analyze the formulas and lip-read the rude scientist's mouth to gain more information

Yeah! You can say something specific, like "incarceration rates in the U.S. are higher than ever," and that's one thing, but you can't expect me to take you seriously if you make such a thoughtless blanket statement like the "world is going to shit." By the way, worldwide violent crime rates have been decreasing