
Easy to say or no, that's definitely a fair point. Pride in creation vs making money with a hit.

I don't know why they couldn't do the same thing in Sphere. Talk about lame.

"But how did that baby survive an attack that killed his parents?"
"I dunno…. uhhhh….. magic?"
—And that's how Harry Potter was written.

You don't love scanning for life forms?

He's not just perfect, he's super green

Dammit, I knew that would get me into trouble.

For a highway scene with exploding and flipping cars, I definitely get it though. The cost of something like that is huge. Cars, Stuntmen, shutting down a highway or building your own, trying to get it all right in one take, etc. The movie was already somewhat of a gamble at the time, and cost $147M to make.

Probably at "The Mangler."

He Tom Cruised you

I'm remembering some sort of rebooted final season, where they actually made it back to their planet and there was a final war for the spark. I dunno, I was young, but I remember loving the heck out of beast wars. And it had ZERO explosions, Mr. Bay.

I still sing-song that one a lot. I need to bring back Zeus' Butthole though.

"It's not about the money. It's about sending a message." — Jim Phelps

I just call it "The"

I'm insulted you're not upset at his lack of mentioning First Contact. Some fanboy YOU are.

I don't know if I would bother with it at this point. I love it, but I doubt it holds up very well for a first viewing. Especially now that Bay's methods are so well-worn.

Shanghai Noon was pretty damn funny too, now that I think about it.

No. But I'll uh, uh, uh, uh….find a way.

Is "I could eat a peach for hours" a pretty common quote for that film?

One of only 2 Chris Tucker films I enjoyed him in. I didn't care for the sequels, and they seem to tarnish the original for a lot of people.

I….have not seen this. I'm going to assume you're talking about real life, and not some film I've yet to watch.