
So glad he got to reprise his role as a member of Star Trek in an episode of Children's Hospital.

He's formulaic. It doesn't make the movies bad, but it keeps them from being fresh. He gets a bad rap from the rise-of-youtube era as well, since people realized he reused a highway scene from the island for a highway scene in transformers. Somehow people find this unforgivable, even though that's a pretty standard

It has all the Kelsey Grammer quips of Frasier, with none of the laugh track!

I was around the same age, and I know, looking back, I couldn't track all of the mental twists and turns in MI. The Rock was much easier to comprehend because there was less plot

yeah, MI 1 isn't an action film, even if all of the sequels are.

Is Armageddon the beginning of the modern "popcorn flick" or is there another before its time?

The bad-a-trons are the only ones that can fly, right? I remember that being a thing in Beast Wars too.


Watching Eraser was how I perfected my Ahnold scream. "EEEEYYAAUUGHHH!! GRAHHHB MY HAAAHHHNNNND!!!"

Undecided if that is an incredibly underrated deep cut, or just a surface level joke. I'm going to assume you knew what you were doing and say bravo to you, sir.

Ed Harris is like a more serious version of Paul Giamatti to me. Every time I see him, I know he's going to make the film better.

A freaking AMAZING scene (hot take, I know). That alone makes the movie withstand the test of time.

I have to say, First Contact is by far the best of any of the Star Trek films. (I don't know if I classify the reboots as those traditional films, since they are more straight up action compared to "submarine" action. If I did, the first in the reboot might be ranked just a tad higher)

Nemesis is the last one, correct? I've only seen it once. I remember being disappointed with how they handled Data… I get what they were trying to do, but it just didn't connect very well.

WHAT???? Okay, I'm watching this tonight. Just to find Adam Scott on that tough little ship.

Less action, more actual "covert spy" stuff. I get the modernization and all, but the sequels from then on are nothing but bastard children of the original TV show.

I thoroughly enjoyed every character in Community getting to do an "EVVVVVERYONE" homage in season 5.

Every time I watch Galaxy Quest, I relate "the chompers" to that incinerator scene. Because an empty prison island has incinerators. That still run around the clock. That also shoot bursts of flames into an empty room for….reasons?

I'm sick of these woke as fuck Die Hards on this woke as fuck plane!

At least Die Hard 2 acknowledges what no other action sequel does: "How in the hell is this happening to ME? AGAIN?!" Other than that, it's not bad.