
Krumholtz or GTFO

P.S. I am gay.

Candy corn frittata: my new textural nightmare.

Are you also waiting for pies to cool?

And I forgot my spoon!

So how many more times do I have to hear someone unironically fail to understand the concept of Would You Rather?

That whole exchange was unbelievably frustrating. She had valid points to make and Dan was theoretically willing to hear them (he even made her argument for her at various points), but she had such a chip on her shoulder from the start and was so shrill that none of them landed, and then she just shut down.

Idiots, not People! Get the name of the best show on TV right, god damn you!

I know some people who've seen this in prior screenings in LA and they are all proselytizing like hell about it. (Not in an obnoxious way, just in a "gee, they must have really liked that movie" way.)

"Elton John will re-record his songs for Hardy to lip synch" — allowing us all to relive the halcyon early seventies when Elton John was a baritone with a five-note range who only sang songs 60 bpm or slower.

I immediately assumed "Post-Modern Prometheus" was the reason this song was getting a mention this week at all. (Sometimes I am not a particularly close reader.)

Feels more to me like the suits said "Your show needs an April!"

IFC: I'm Funny & Caucasian.

That's all ya heard.

Nerdist did it first

The girl next to me did check her phone, but dimmed it way the fuck down so I barely noticed.

Aw, I loved "Gravity and the Rockin' Gravitrons".

You're probably right, although I remember at least one scene of shit-doing-with. I saw the movie in a full theater and, unbeknownst to me, my dad and stepmom were in the theater too. I heard his unmistakable hack-laugh partway through the movie, and when it ended, I immediately walked up to him an forbade him from

Not even the Savages?

I did. But my guess wouldn't have been too far off.