
Kristen, not Christian. Autocomplete mishap?

Oh come on. Six Feet Under? That one scene in Juno before it became evident every character was gonna talk that way?

Dan Harmon should stand next to Mitch Hurwitz all the time. Comparative ROWR.

Whither August Lindt??? WHITHER?????

I don't know this woman but I like the cut of her jib.

Don't encourage him!

At the second commercial break I asked Cletus, "How far into the AV Club review do you think we read before we get a Mixology Certification reference?"

Not my first (if Lost in America in the theater at the age of 8 counts), but definitely my favorite. I cry buckets at the end. BUCKETS.

12, per Wikipedia. Get it, Lisa.

Yep, it's Lisa Bonet, who is married to Jason Momoa. That is a damn aesthetically pleasant couple.

Few things have given me as much joy as realizing that "We came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore you are gay" came verbatim from the book.


You expect us to believe you never got off a man?

Oh yeah? Tell that to yesterday me!

Doc-Martens-and-floral-dress-wearing, hair-hennaing, 15-year-old me is sad.

"Contemptuous"? Granted I wasn't alive for any of it but that seems a little excessive. Or did you mean "contentious"?

Or just set up a perimeter around the prison or your camp or whatever. Lash em to the nearest tree.

Andy Daly is my dream WASP.

Still surprising. It seems like the kind of movie that could fool execs and ticket buyers into believing it was Oscar bait just n the basis of star power involved. Which makes me think it must REALLY suck.

Secret of Managing Spies: It's hard to fly with the eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys.