
She's 58! Give a lady a break!

Home Movies' Battle of the Bands. Mostly cause I'd like to hear the rest of the acoustic song about drinking coffee.

You guys! This isn't funny! Slater from Saved by the Bell did too much smack!

You'd rather he lie? I didn't find it that judgey, I thought there was a nice undertone of "I wish I could tell you I had".

Are French people better at math too, then? What with their "quatre-vingt-dix-neuf"s and all? (It's an interesting hypothesis.)

An Aryan from Darien if ever I saw one.

I'm exaggerating. Mostly I'm referring to Anatoly but Levi and Lisette had the same problem. Which is: you are not a professional podcaster. Consider yourself lucky you speak in complete sentences. Don't try to be clever and whimsical on top of it.

I was just in LA and had a fantasy wherein I would meet Dan Harmon and tell him how much I love Harmontown but that he needs to NEVER INTERVIEW AN AUDIENCE MEMBER EVER AGAIN.

God I love the half-assed early EC videos, especially when it's obvious they shot all of them on the same day. I have the compilation DVD lying around somewhere.

I think we can chalk that up to Strategic Placement of Arms.

Oh come now! It was a heart attack.

The guy who introduced me to EC when I was 14 serenaded me with this song, but got the lyrics wrong in such a way that "Take off your party dress" became a command.

@avclub-716a2226e3cec24e2aab41c0e4b6fc97:disqus that is deeply weird.

At first I was all, "Alec Baldwin doesn't get killed! He keeps trying to patch it back up with Michelle and it almost works!!"

@Adelaidey:disqus I don't think that's a good argument against @avclub-c027a095f6633553f8f45a0ce00fd45d:disqus. I think Eliana was just so fucking amazing that the voting public was compelled to overlook her non-whiteness.

Since this is apparently the shallow, bitchy thread:

Katee didn't win. She was thrown a consolation prize for being the top girl,  but it wasn't an official victory.

I can't speak to the Ivan number but the Sand number was clearly the original version recorded and played back. The transition out was very awkward. And why wouldn't he at least have been there standing next to Malece at the intro? I contend he wasn't there.

Someone knows drama, though, right? Please tell me someone knows drama.

COWWWWWS wanna know
why people in Portland are assholes