
@avclub-5f3fb65ba436981668551c26873294e6:disqus gave you a good list. Drums and Wires and Black Sea are the ones I point people toward, but considering you have O&L and Nonsuch you might prefer Skylarking.

Yeah, Andy's white liberal guilt and/or fetishization of the other rears its head in some unpleasant ways from time to time. See also "Millions".

That's the weird thing, though, it's not like I am its staunchest defender or anything (although I had already decided it would be my Love title for Love, Hate, Like, Hate Like or whatever that game is called). I'm just unexpectedly appalled that he hates it.

I'm taking Doug's dismissal of The Informant! really personally. Like I might have to hate him now. 

Looking forward to the third season of Owner's Manual.

If we're judging the performances by what the All-Stars are supposed to contribute — by whether the contestants are able to come up to the level of their partners — then Jasmine walked away with it, while Hayley and Fik-Shun were far and away at the bottom of the pack. I partly blame Christopher Scott's choreography;

I was old enough to have seen most of his films, had a massive crush on him, and become disillusioned with him, all before he died. Made me feel ancient, even then.

An Inbred.

@avclub-4e47f6a561dbe6724a331cf235f76e8a:disqus You know what? I have a ball. Perhaps you'd like to bounce it.

Yes. Yes he does.

No there isn't an encore, Talking Dead follows directly. And I disagree about it potentially preceding Walking Dead for the reasons I stated before. If they were to pair anything with it they would choose a new series.

Walking Dead has Talking Dead immediately following it. HOW would have to run as a lead-in, which might potentially hurt Walking Dead's numbers but wouldn't really help HOW's. The Killing is probably closest thematically to HOW but that seems like a disaster. AMC really needs to establish new tentpole shows, with

And yet he cannot escape the obvious past he shares with these people…their "Clear History," if you will.

Shoo-bee-doo-bop ba-daa.

Point the camera at a tv showing "Urgh! A Music War"?

Gravity is fucking all my shit up. I am like a little kid with a ghost story with that trailer — it is my worst nightmare realized and I CAN'T STOP WATCHING. I've lost track of how many times I've clicked play on that thing. At this point it will be a disappointment if I don't immediately dub the movie the most

According to my mother, when my grandmother saw this sketch she thought the joke was that Mary was being impertinent.

Intercourse the penguin!

Perhaps it's from the zoo! If it were from the zoo, it'd have "property of the zoo" stamped on it.

Yes, when Nigel mentioned Eliana when he announced who would be dancing for their lives, although the audience seemed to think he was comparing her to Makenzie, I thought he clearly meant "Jasmine, you're in the bottom, which is an abomination. So we're going to do the best thing we can under the circumstances, which